Get to know Magdalena, euforia's very own Director of Marketing and Communication

Welcome, Magdalena (officially)! You have accepted the challenge to present yourself in 2 minutes, so here goes:

MBA – I hold one from St. Gallen University (HSG) – an amazing experience with a class of 40 people with 25 nationalities learning from each other and evolving life long friendships. My parents thought friends are the family one chooses. …One of these friends is now the father of my son…;P

André is my partner in crime, the father of my son, the craziest person I know, and also the most reliable one. We laugh lots with and about each other and try to look at life from the sunny side. I love to discuss politics and economics with him and also enjoy doing sports together – currently Emil is our sport!

German or Austrian? I have an Austrian passport, but grew up in Germany, and am opportunistic about it. If we talk skiing, I feel very Austrian and even believe Germans can't ski…;P With regards to football, it's vice versa. However, I lived, studied and worked in many different countries and consider myself a World Citizen.

Denglish - besides talking like a waterfall, I do tend to insert many English expressions into my German, which drives my Dad crazy. It's one of those mistakes I steadily try to advance on. But life would be boring without the daily challenge of being a better and wiser person, right?! There are days where we succeed and oooopses!

Age ain’t nothing but a number – besides the fact that I have two degrees, worked 8 years in corporates (in 3 countries), founded 2 companies (in Berlin & Zurich), I also could be 18 ;P Emil is the best excuse for living out my inner child, moreover it’s magic to rediscover the beauty of our world through a child’s eyes.

Luigi Bocconi University – here I received my Bachelor in Economics and Management of Arts, Culture and Communication. And here is also, where I started with my motto of work hard and play hard - keeps running through my life ever since. Also, I love Italian cuisine and mentality: no matter if it’s la dolce vita or la dolce far niente!

Emil is our world – an absolute life changer. He enriches and fills our lives with joy. Thanks to euforia's working culture and the team, the two of us come in a double pack. Emil e.g. enjoys our strategy meetings in the mountains and I am the happiest person alive, because I can live up to my expectations and be a great Mompreneur!

Now or never – we started tackling our outreach challenges and are in a major restructuring and rebranding process. Hence, can’t wait to receive your feedback. If you want to comment/amend/discuss anything with regards to euforia marketing, pls contact me. I look forward to many co-creation processes and radical collaboration! ☺

Art of Living – I love wining and dining, but also dancing and partying. My best times were always with my family and friends around a big table with great food and music. I enjoy seaside and mountains equally, either surfing in the waves or skiing down the slopes. Nature is where I feel home and relax.

LG, Magdalena

Hi there, Martina!

Martina recently joined our outreach team. She tells us a little bit about herself.

A passionate traveller who loves to go international and -cultural but who eventually ends up in her little valley again where the fox and the hare bid each other goodnight – that’s me, Martina. I got to know euforia “by accident”: I passed some jobless months last autumn and one day, surfing aimlessly on Facebook, I caught sight of imp!act Bern. I participated and enjoyed the four days with likeminded people and a great positive and inspiring energy. Two months later, I found myself in Zurich as new intern on the outreach team.

I love elephants, broccoli, Spain, skiing, mountains, sailboats (although I unfortunately can’t go sailing because I get seasick), red wine, books, cool lakes, children, snow, live concerts, coffee, beaches, The Big Bang Theory, languages, hiking, strawberries, Sunday’s “Tatort”, South America, Alpine ibex, tents, documentaries, sun, humor, cooking and one or two things more.

I have only few claims to the organization I work for: it should be innovative, creative, sensitive, dynamic, social, ethical, ecological, multicultural, inspirational, moral, meaningful, humorous, gorgeous, fabulous, funky, fancy, solidary, trustworthy and splendid. Ah yeah, it is essential that it has a terrific name. After my first four weeks on my job I dare to say that euforia comes dangerously close to these requests.

As the new Happy News Heralder, I’m delighted to join and support the outreach team and excited about my new tasks, teammates and projects.


Meet the CHANGEmakers: essento

*Bei Stefan Schultze, Mitbegründer von essento
**Discover more projects born at imp!act here.

Wir von essento haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, Insekten als Nahrungsmittel in die Schweiz zu bringen. Insekten sind ein ökologischerer Proteinlieferant als das Fleisch von Säugetieren, da sie Futtermittel viel effizienter verwerten. Dadurch besteht ein grosses Potential an Einsparungen an Wasser, Land und Treibhausgasen. Zudem sind sie auch gesund und schmecken lecker!

Angefangen hat es 2013 mit einem Bericht der FAO und dem imp!act in Zürich.

Der FAO Bericht zum Thema „edible insects“ prognostizierte, dass wir auf Grund der vielen Vorteile von Insekten, aber auch auf Grund einer immer grösser werdenden Bevölkerung und wachsenden Wohlstand bald auch in Europa Insekten essen werden.

Diesen Bericht hatte Matthias gelesen und sich bezüglich Insekten in der Schweiz informiert, um festzustellen, dass es noch nichts in der Schweiz gab.

Ich wusste vor dem imp!act in Zürich, dass ich etwas Eigenes aufbauen will aber erst dort traf ich zum ersten Mal auf Matthias, der die Idee als Teilnehmer vorgestellt hatte und von der ich sofort fasziniert war.

Während des imp!act testeten wir erstmals die Idee aus, trafen uns mit Professoren an der ETH und auch – da Insekten als Nahrungsmittel in der Schweiz leider gesetzlich nicht zugelassen sind – mit einem in Zürich arbeitenden Nationalrat.

Den ersten grossen kick-off brachte uns der auf dem imp!act hergestellte Kontakt zum impact HUB Zürich. Dieser richtet zusammen mit climate-KIC und dem WWF den „innovate4climate“ Wettbewerb aus an dessen erster Stufe wir wenige Wochen nach dem imp!act erfolgreich teilnahmen und uns die ersten 15‘000 CHF an Förderung sicherten.

An der Thematik interessiert? Du willst wissen warum wir im Bundeshaus in Bern den Abgeordneten Insekten bei einem Apero angeboten haben? Oder was es mit EntoPlant – der Zuchtfarm für Zuhause – auf sich hat? Dann besuch uns doch einfach auf oder unserer