Get UP pour l'initiative sur l'économie verte


>>> Invitation by UP

! ! ! Les futures générations ont besoin d’un OUI le 25 septembre prochain à l’initiative pour l’économie verte ! ! !

Toi aussi tu es convaincu(e) qu’obtenir un OUI pour placer l’écologie comme LA grande priorité de notre développement sociétal est une nécessité? Tu penses qu’il est temps d’agir? Tu es fatigué(e) d’entendre des promesses et de voir qu'au final les enjeux économiques priment très souvent?

Pourquoi soutenir l'initiative? D'après une étude du WWF, la Suisse a épuisé la totalité de ses ressources naturelles pour l’année depuis le 18 avril déjà. Il faudrait en effet 3 planètes pour subvenir aux besoins de la population mondiale si chacun consommait autant que les Helvètes.

L’objectif de l’initiative est de lancer la Suisse sur la voie de l’économie verte en inscrivant les principes de l’économie circulaire dans la Constitution afin de rendre notre économie durable d’ici à 2050.

Check le programme et plus d'info ici:

Born at imp!act: @ctive Asyl

«@ctive Asyl» is a project that was born at imp!act 2015. It fosters integration by providing communication tools. Together with their partners they recycle old laptops and offer free computer courses for refugees.

Simon, the founder of @ctive Asyl, told us about his motivations, passions and the idea of his project. Check it out here:

Two euforians exploring new oceans


Next year, euforia will turn 10 years old. Can you believe it? Born in May 2007 and raised by a handful of co-founders, the organization has since then grown to 27 employees and over 300 volunteers on three continents.

Currently, euforia is in the middle of a transition phase towards a community driven organization based on holacratic principles. This means that we are moving away from the heroic leader paradigm and start giving more power and responsibility to the team.

Within this transition phase, two long-term euforians decided to change roles and hand over more responsibility to other euforia members. We are really happy that Chantal and Jerónimo are going to embark on new professional adventures, while still staying involved in the organization part time in the future to support our ongoing scaling.

Chief Inspiration Officer and euforian from the very first day, Jerónimo feels that euforia has turned into a stable, healthy organization with no need for charismatic leadership. In a careful selection process, he has helped to build a strong team over the past years and at the same time started focusing on new personal goals. Now he believes the time is ripe to leave operations and take on an advisory role in which he will continue to support euforia’s growth. At the same time, freeing up the majority of his time will give him space for new projects further developing his vision on moving business towards sustainability, bringing more wellbeing to the social change sector and co-creating a global movement of neotribes – with euforia as a living example.

Also, our Chief Euphoric Officer Chantal is reducing her workload and leaving to new oceans. After building up euforia’s corporate circle over the past years, she feels it’s time to hand over part of her responsibilities and make space for new learning. Chantal is going to shake up the finance world, joining the innovation lab team at Raiffeisen in the role of a New Business Innovator – rocking now from the inside, still with the same mission of creating real change. At the same time she will stay on the team as a coach.

We want to thank those two beautiful people for their euphoria, passion, love, craziness and rock’n’roll. We are very happy to still have you on board of this crazy ship as coaches and benefit from your expertise and experience.

Walking the talk on wellbeing

The wellbeing of our team and all its members is euforia’s highest annual goal. Therefore, wellbeing is also part of the (r)evolutionLab in the form of personal development sessions. Our volunteers Anna and Gordon reflected about wellbeing and share their insights.

Wellbeing has become one of the main goals of the euforia movement. As part of this we have created a more holistic approach to the (r)evolutionLab (former euforia Training Programme eTP) where hard skills and practical experience are now accompanied by personal development sessions.  In the beginning of July we dug into the fertile soil of personal development as part of the preparation for autumn imp!acts. At imp!act we encourage people to step out of their comfort zone, find out more about their purpose and start acting upon it. So as a facilitator it`s key to walk the talk both on a personal as well as on a team level.

imp!act can be like dancing on a rainbow. From up there one can have a glimpse of new landscape, discover new prospects and find great dancing partners. Once the raindrop of inspiration strikes the ground it is time to see how those panoramic views can become part of your journey and how the drop becomes part of what makes you grow.

I believe that wellbeing is the goal of this journey and I see personal development as the way to get there. Wellbeing must start at the individual level, and from a good foundation you can then help those around you to develop their own well-being. With a good self and a good community 'tribe' you can then be of service to bigger issues. Where you can develop well-being as a strong component in your ideas and projects.

One of my most enriching experiences as a trainee and coach of the euforia Training Programme (eTP) for me is to experience and explore wellbeing for myself and in our community.  Our team created a space in which we supported each other to shine in our own ways, be ourselves and this gave me the opportunity to grow greatly. I hope we find ways to bring this experience to more people and help to spread this in society.

So for me personal development is the methodology. It is the thing you do to increase your wellbeing. And what is wellbeing? Well, that depends on you and on the person. But it often has something to do with nature, having the time to do things properly, creativity, fulfilling a purpose, friends and family. You can use personal developments tools to help you develop your own well-being and to help your friends and team mates to develop theirs. And then spread the love and build a world dedicated to the well-being of each and every one of us. People, animals, plants. The water and the air. Even the rocks.

euforia goes 24thinkpark

Am 9. September 2016 findet der 24thinkpark statt. 100 Menschen aller Alters- und Berufsklassen kommen zusammen, tauschen sich aus und diskutieren über ihre Ideen zum Thema Digitalisierung – 24 Stunden lang! Wir haben noch einige Tickets zu verschenken.

In knapp einem Monat findet zum dritten Mal die wohl unkonventionellste Konferenz der Schweiz statt. Erstmals sind wir als Partner mit im Boot. Warum? Weil wir die Arbeitskultur, die am 24thinkpark praktiziert wird, auch bei uns leben – Open Space, Hierarchiefreiheit und Co-Creation über Alters- und Sektorgrenzen hinweg. Auf einer „Tour des Bureaux“ von Zürich bis Genf haben wir uns mit der 24thinkpark-Crew ausgetauscht.

Philipp von 24thinkpark erzählte uns, dass ihn die plötzliche Anmeldungswelle begeistere:
 „Wir hatten noch nie bereits im Juli so viele Anmeldungen“. Das liege einerseits wahrscheinlich am Thema – dieses Jahr geht es um Digitalisierung –, andererseits sei die Konferenz im vierten Jahr aber auch bei vielen bereits etabliert.

Wir sind neugierig und nehmen natürlich auch selbst an der 24-stündigen Konferenz teil. Ein euforian, der dabei sein wird, ist Théo, unser „Creator of Opportunities“. Im 24thinkpark-Blog erzählt er über sich, seine Bienen und seine Arbeit bei euforia.

24thinkpark verschenkt jedes Jahr eine limitierte Anzahl Tickets an Studierende. Schon dabei ist zum Beispiel Sarah, die „wanderlustige Ideensammlerin“. Als Partner dürfen auch wir einige Tickets an unsere Volunteers und Members verschenken. Interessiert? Dann bewirb dich hier. Wähle das Ticket „Studierende“ und gib bei den Bemerkungen an, dass du von euforia bist. Die Anmeldefrist läuft noch bis zum 19. August 2016.

Du kannst dir noch nicht recht vorstellen wie der 24thinkpark abläuft? Hier haben wir bereits einmal darüber berichtet. Short und sexy wird der 24thinkpark auch hier erklärt.

Long live our volunt’heroes!

As a way to celebrate everything we accomplished with our volunteers and to thank them for their unreasonable engagement at euforia, we rented a scout house near Bern and celebrated our Volunteers Day.
The day started with croissants and euforia’s annual general assembly. Our president Corina Helfenstein recapped euforia’s activities in 2015 and euforia staff gave an overview of what’s cooking up for 2016, presented euforia’s financial figures and validated the volunteers circle as the new strategic commission. After sharing an indoor picnic (despite our best wishes, the sun didn’t show up in Bern), our Storytelling Wizard Sonja gave us insights and tools in a workshop on how to best tell our changemaker stories. In the afternoon we moved to sports: one group consuming (Switzerland playing against Albania at the European Championship), another implementing by climbing the local mountain Gurten. Upon their return, beer o’clock was announced and kicked off the beginning of the party night.

As you could already read in our annual report, our volunteers community is growing fast. In 2015 alone, we could count over 80 new volunteers. In total, over 400 people have been engaged in our programmes during the past nine years and many of them still are.

As our volunteers are the core of our organisation, we aim at including them as much as possible in strategic decisions and in the operational daily business. At the General Assembly we looked at how we are reaching that:

  • We launched the new “volunteers circle” at the beginning of the year. Five volunteers are part of the new team and are going to foster community building, facilitate communication between staff and volunteers and contribute to strategic decisions. Welcome Manon, Osi, Nicole and Gordon!
  • Ten volunteers are now engaged within euforia staff as “boosters”, part-time and project-based freelancers. Meet them here!
  • Local chapters are going to be built up soon in order to connect volunteers living in the same region and to bundle our whole changemaker potential. The local chapter in Zurich started a soft launch with a casual coffee meeting last Saturday.

Thank you all who were there and spent the Volunteer Day (and night) with us! If you missed it: stay tuned, the next celebration is sure to come!

Leading with Imp!act Teaserevent

Die steigende Komplexität, Unsicherheit, Ambiguität und Konkurrenz einer sich immer schneller entwickelnden Welt, die generation-übergreifenden Konflikte und die zunehmende Bedeutung der Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation verlangt von Führungskräften und Unternehmen ein tiefgreifendes Umdenken.

Leading with Imp!act ist ein Leadership und Change Management Programm, das jungen Menschen und erfahrenen Führungskräften die Werkzeuge, das Mindset und den Raum für Austausch und Erfahrungen bietet, um gute Vorsätze in echtes Engagement zu verwandeln. Wir kreieren ein innovatives, hierarchiefreies, kreativ-verrücktes Umfeld, in dem erfahrene Manager gemeinsam mit jungen Menschen ihre eigene Führungskultur hinterfragen, um die Generation Y als Kunden, aber auch als zukünftige Mitarbeiter besser zu verstehen, und ein innovationsförderndes Arbeitsumfeld mit zu gestalten.

Anders als bei traditionellen Weiterbildungen steht nicht Theorie, sondern erfahrungsbasiertes Lernen im Mittelpunkt. Im hierarchie-freien Austausch mit engagierten jungen Menschen lernen Teilnehmende, eine menschenzentrierte Führungskultur zu schaffen, die Innovation, Selbstbefähigung und Nachhaltigkeit fördert und so ihr Unternehmen langfristig zu einem attraktiveren Arbeitsplatz macht.

Interessiert? Erleben Sie in unserem Leading with Imp!act Teaser eine Mini-Version des Programms, um unsere Ansätze, Methodik und Euphorie kennenzulernen:

Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2016, von 17:00 bis 20:00
Stadthausquai 15, 8001 Zürich

Anmeldung und weitere Informationen bei Valerian Stalder: 077 432 14 88,

Welcome to the new EUFORIA BOOSTERS!

The euforia family has grown! Nine “euforia boosters” officially joined the many motivated and inspiring euforia volunteers, interns, trainees and staff in this movement of change makers!

The boosters are part of the newly created Impact Career Academy (ICA). Working in small teams and equipped with new ideas and great amounts of enthusiasm they will tackle different projects in various areas of euforia. This new type of co-creation between boosters, staff, and volunteers will hopefully become a structure of working together that spreads to other businesses and workplaces!

Have a look at the profiles below to get to know the new euforia boosters and to see which part of euforia they will be boosting!


The EvalNinajas — Luís and Nicoletta
The EvalNinjas will unleash the potential of evaluation to constantly improve euforia and all its programs.  Luís and Nicoletta live by their motto “Making evaluation sexy” ;)


Luís became a booster at euforia because he has just too much energy and happiness that needs to be shared with the rest of the world. He gets his own energy from human kindness and nature and if he were a natural energy booster himself he would be singing all day long. Originally fromPortugal, now living in beautiful Annecy, France, he brings Yoda´s patience to the EvalNinjas.

Nicoletta brings joy to the EvalNinja team!  If she was a natural energy booster, she would dance till the sun comes up. Nicoletta gets her own energy from remembering people´s happy faces. She joined the booster team with the goal to use her professional skills to improve the beautiful community of euforia.



The (r)Evolutionizers — Natalia, Elodie, Sidsel, Philippa
The (r)Evolutionizers will focus on the eTP structure and – as their name suggests – seek to (r)Evolutionize the eTP to make it more holistic and inclusive. All under the motto “Share & Grow”, be prepared for some big changes and new opportunities to get involved with euforia!


Natalia delights the people around her with a good dose of playfulness and a topping of gratefulness. Born and raised in Mexico until the age of 8, she now lives in Geneva and feels like a world citizen. As a booster she wants to disseminate the euforic culture of co-creation, support and trust and contribute to a more humane society of interrelation and interconnection with an environment that is solution oriented. As a natural energy booster she would be a joy dance and she gets her energy from deep connections with euphoric people or being upside down at Acroyoga.

Elodie loves to sing and – very fittingly – would be bird´s song if she was a natural booster. She hails from France where she still lives and just learned that she is puckish (yeah, you probably have to google that). She joined the boosters because euforia makes her happy and what better way to make other people as happy as she is?!


Sidsel is from Denmark but resides in Switzerland now. She came to join the boosters through a synergy meeting. Her “secret ingredient” is the law of attraction – so watch out! If she was a natural energy boosters she would be a meditation session; she gets her own energy from a variety of things including people, singing, running, being, playing, reading, writing, laughing, and living.

Philippa joined the boosters because euforia is just her perfect cup of tea – the moment she first read about it, she decided that she would work for euforia eventually. Being skinny dipping as a natural energy boosters, she brings bubbliness and zest for action to the (r)Evolutionizers. Creating pretty things gives new energy for new ideas and actions. She is from Germany and will move to the southern part of Germany soon.


The Waitresses — Fränzi and Marietta
The Waitresses will support euforia with its facilitation and businesses services and their ultimate goal is to deliver the best custom-made euforia menu.


Fränzi brings acuity and lenience to the waitresses. Euforia boosts her own life so the next step was to become a euforia booster herself. She grew up in Obfelden, studied in Zurich, is now based in Fribourg but works in Bern. Brunch with friends, sport (yoga and crossfit) and lots of sleep energize her, while she would be a ginger-banana smoothie with cinnamon topping if she was a natural energy booster.

Marietta´s “secret ingredient” is her mint-mango ability to see the good (or potential for good) in everyone. She gets her own energy from watching life and reading/writing in a small cafe, singing with others and feeling beautiful harmonies, and nature. If she was a natural energy booster she would be the feeling of cold water on your face in the morning. Originally from Hamburg but having lived – and maybe returning soon – in Geneva, she joined the boosters because co-creating a world based on abundance, true being, and connections makes her so very euphoric!


Sales & Partnerships — Bibiana
The Sales & Partnership booster will focus on euforia´s business services. The goal is to enhance euforia’s corporate expertise and know-how by enlarging its activites all across Switzerland as well as to establish fruitful and meaningful collaborations, especially in the French speaking region.


Bibiana would be a fresh green juice with an overdose of ginger if she was a natural energy booster. She gets energized through dancing, singing, hiking, morning mediation and yoga. Being part of euforia has already transformed her life in many ways. By joining the booster team she can use her skillset to spread the euforia virus even further, helping the organization grow and scale up sustainably. She was born and raised in Columbia but now lives in Lausanne. She smiles to the world and seeks to be grateful no matter what and to embrace compassion and kindness.