Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #13

  • Join euforia's heartbeat team!
    We are looking for some motivated people to join euforia's support function team, which we call the Heartbeat circle!!! The positions we are looking to fill range from financial management, administration to logistics to bring in order to bring the stability needed to the crazily dynamic organisation we are. Apply here for the roles you would LOVE to take over as a Heartbeat skipper!!! The question is: what role(s) fit(s) you best?
  • Repräsentiere euforia an der "EVOLVE conference"
    Wir suchen engagierte, offene euforians, die am 20. und/oder 21. April unsere Community und Programme am Stand der oikos EVOLVE conference an der HSG repräsentieren. Das Engagement wird entlöhnt. Interessierte können sich bei Martina melden.
  • Share & Grow: Cuisine créative et boulangerie
    Tu aimes mettre les mains à la pâte, cuisiner et rencontrer de nouvelles personnes? Que tu aies de l'expérience ou juste de la curiosité et envie de découvrir, apprendre, bienvenu.e! Viens nous rejoindre pour un atelier boulangerie co-organisé par l'association InteGREAT et euforia. Maurane, experte boulangère de métier, poète et actrice du changement sera là pour vous accueillir et vous guider. Elle sera ravie de prendre ce temps pour vous faire découvrir les étapes de la formation de la pâte jusqu'à la cuisson du pain. Plus d’informations ici.
  • Une envie de trouver des solutions innovantes pour la Ville? Le Smart City Hack revient !
    Seconde édition du Hackathon sur les Smart Cities qui cette année se veut à l'échelle du quartier sous deux angles de vue qui reviennent de façon importante dans les discussion sur le Grand Genève : la Mobilité et la Sécurité. Organisé en excellente collaboration avec le Centre Universitaire d'Informatique de l'Université de Genève, des partenaires locaux tel que les SIG, les TPG, la Ville de Genève et le soutien premium de l'initiative GeoFab du grande Genève, le SCH#2 devrait créer d'autant plus de collaboration et cross-fertilization, notamment Franco-Suisse. Envie de participer? Plus d'information ici ou contacter directement Manon, en charge de l'organisation de l'événement.
  • Start-up Program SINGA Factory in Zurich: Apply today!
    The SINGA Factory start-up program for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds is back for its 2nd cycle in Zurich: 4th June – 14th December 2018. Join our information session 18:30 11th April at  Impact Hub Viadukt to learn more!

Das SINGA Factory Startup-Programm für Menschen mit Flucht- und Migrationshintergrund startet den 2. Durchgang: vom 4. Juni – 14. Dezember 2018. Wir suchen motivierte und unternehmerisch denkende Personen oder Teams, die ihre Geschäftsidee in der Schweiz verwirklichen möchten. Möchtest Du mehr über die SINGA Factory erfahren oder möchtest Du Dich als MentorIn oder Coach engagieren? Melde Dich für unser Info-Event am 11. April um 18:30 Uhr im Impact Hub Viadukt an.

Strategic partnerships with oikos St.Gallen and Social Impact Awards

We are happy to announce two strategic partnerships with like-minded organizations!

EVOLVE conference 20 - 21 April 2018, University of St.Gallen

Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-27 um 12.07.13.png

The goal of the conference, organized by the oikos Social Entrepreneurship team is to create a platform on which social entrepreneurs, start-ups, corporates and interested students can interact and develop their own network, as well as raise awareness for social entrepreneurship and learn about its essential role for the future of business. Participants receive the opportunity to develop their knowledge in doing business socially by not only meeting successful and inspirational experts but also partaking in workshops, keynotes and panels led by them. They will cover a varying range of themes, such as using Blockchain technology for a social purpose, Impact Investment, Micro-Sharing, the Psychology of doing business socially, customizing your own business plan and many more.
We're happy to give strategic support in the planning of the conference and to see euforians being there as workshop facilitators, e.g. Svetlana on Impact Investing or Severin and Benjamin on how to initiate social projects.

Would you like to learn, interact and make a change? Come to EVOLVE!


Social Impact Award


The Social Impact Award is the first Swiss-wide program of the Impact Hub network and one of the most important programs for the design and development of social enterprises in Europe. It is intended for young people who want to realize their own projects and thus change and improve the world. The program will sensitize young people to entrepreneurship through the workshops, participants will present their ideas for winning a three-month incubation course and a monetary prize.
We'll be giving support to the organizing team in the organization, communication and by offering imp!act workshops as part of the programme. You can sign-up here for the kick-off event on 10th April to meet the people and hear what it's all about.

Find here more information on the Social Impact Award.

Welcome Diogo!


Hi, I'm Diogo and I'm from Mem Martins, Portugal. I was born in Lisbon, but I have always lived in Mem Martins, near the beautiful town of Sintra.

My greatest passions are music and humor. In my free time I play guitar and drums, I like being with my family & friends and doing long walks alone or accompanied. When I have a lot of energy, I practice kickboxing, and in the most creative moments in which I feel the need to express myself, I like to write humorous texts. This allows me to have different perspectives of the same reality and to be fairer with myself and with others.

This photograph was taken in Cape Verde, in one of my missions in which I had the privilege of participating and meeting simple, warmhearted and happy people. This experience taught me to feel grateful for what I have and to be happy to simply exist. There are days that seem hazy, but there is always a sun behind the clouds to shine. And the sun has shone and I have the opportunity to be part of this beautiful family, to be able to make a difference and to be an actor of change in a world that I love so much!

Our Easter present: Win a ticket for The Unleash Project


It's Easter time! Before going into the long break, you'll have the possibility to win a fancy Easter present! We draw three tickets for The Unleash Weekend – Societal level from 7 - 8 April in Geneva.

The next weekend is the last one of this 2017/2018 cycle and will be on the topic "Societal Level". Among others, there will be people from Amanitas who show us different models of living and working together. We'll also talk about System Thinking and co-create solutions to societal challenges the participants see in their work environment. Inspiring stories, ideas and people guaranteed!

Sounds good? Then participate in the draw by sending an e-mail to unleash@euforia.org with the Subject "Easter Draw" and three reasons, why you are the right person to win the ticket.

The draw will be open until Monday, 2 April. We'll announce the winners on Tuesday, 3 April per E-Mail.

Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #13

  • Global Youth Summit in August
    The Global Changemakers will hold the annual Global Youth Summit again this year, in Switzerland, in August 2018, with the support of the Swiss agency for development and cooperation (SDC).  The Summit is completely free of charge and offers an amazing opportunity for youth to learn Changemaking skills, build a network of Changemakers from all over the world and be eligible for seed funding. As every year, we invite 60 Changemakers, 20 of whom Swiss. More infos here.
  • MassChallenge Switzerland: Apply now with your idea!
    Do you have an idea that can change the world? If it's humanly possible, MassChallenge Switzerland will help you get it done! Apply by March28th with the 80% discount credit code: EUFORIA2018 to join a global network of 1495+ startups from over 81 countries. Benefit from world-class mentorship, unrivalled corporate access and up to CHF 1mio cash awards! Stop dreaming and bring your ideas to life and to the world! Apply today!
  • Start-up Program SINGA Factory in Zurich: Apply today!
    The SINGA Factory start-up program for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds is back for its 2nd cycle in Zurich: 4th June – 14th December 2018. Join our information session 18:30 11th April at  Impact Hub Viadukt to learn more!

    Das SINGA Factory Startup-Programm für Menschen mit Flucht- und Migrationshintergrund startet den 2. Durchgang: vom 4. Juni – 14. Dezember 2018. Wir suchen motivierte und unternehmerisch denkende Personen oder Teams, die ihre Geschäftsidee in der Schweiz verwirklichen möchten. Möchtest Du mehr über die SINGA Factory erfahren oder möchtest Du Dich als MentorIn oder Coach engagieren? Melde Dich für unser Info-Event am 11. April um 18:30 Uhr im Impact Hub Viadukt an.

  • PUSTERUM + KlangWelt: Coliving and coworking retreat between 23th april and 6th may
    PUSTERUM + KlangWelt Toggenburg is an experiment to explore what is a new working paradigme. We are curious to explore what happens when we mix coworking in nature with sound and rhythmic experiences. In our next  pilot from April 23th - May 6th we will explore different ways of balancing being and doing while connecting to yourself, others and nature. How will it influence our own life rhythm? Will it unleash a different wave of creativity and forster new connections in us? Join us for some days or weeks! Get more infos here.
  • Summerpreneurship: Application is open for startups
    Summerpreneurship brings students together with startups for a summer internship. Are you a startup and looking for talented interns? Get access to a pool of talented students, get guided through the hiring process and find your match. Benefit from the early bird discount (CHF 195 instead of CHF 275) to participate. Application is open until March 25 here.
  • Lancer une initiative de Transition: Formation de 2 jours à Bienne, 24 et 25 mars 2018
    Lancer et énergiser la transition là où vous vivez! 2 jours pour découvrir des idées et des outils pratiques pour préparer, démarrer ou relancer une initiative de Transition citoyenne, découvrir les dimensions tant intérieures qu'extérieures du changement positif et repartir reliés à la puissance du mouvement. Il s’agit de la formation de base organisée par le Transition Network et adaptée à notre contexte. Cette formation est idéale pour ceux et celles qui découvrent la Transition. C'est aussi une formation idéale si vous énergisez un projet de Transition et que vous souhaitez renforcer vos compétences et vos connaissances. Plus d'informations ici.

Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #12

  • Start-up Program SINGA Factory in Zurich: Apply today!
    The SINGA Factory start-up program for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds is back for its 2nd cycle in Zurich: 4th June – 14th December 2018. Join our information session 18:30 11th April at  Impact Hub Viadukt to learn more!

    Das SINGA Factory Startup-Programm für Menschen mit Flucht- und Migrationshintergrund startet den 2. Durchgang: vom 4. Juni – 14. Dezember 2018. Wir suchen motivierte und unternehmerisch denkende Personen oder Teams, die ihre Geschäftsidee in der Schweiz verwirklichen möchten. Möchtest Du mehr über die SINGA Factory erfahren oder möchtest Du Dich als MentorIn oder Coach engagieren? Melde Dich für unser Info-Event am 11. April um 18:30 Uhr im Impact Hub Viadukt an.

  • Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict's
    Interested in peace and conflict prevention? We have 6 internship positions about the following topics: Gender, Youth, Peace & Security, Content Editor,  Knowledge - Policy & Advocacy, Project Development and Monitoring & Evaluation, or Peace & Security (in NYC) more info here.
  • Operation Manager at the Wellbeing Project manager
    We are looking for someone to work with our Coordination team, that has 3-5 years of experience with project or organizational management. We’re looking for someone who has a keen passion for social change, has a deep interest in personal work. The Wellbeing Project is focused on both cultivating a shift in the field of social change toward one that is healthier and more supportive of inner wellbeing, and on catalyzing the development of a new infrastructure to better support everyone working in the field. More info here.
  • PUSTERUM + KlangWelt: Coliving and coworking retreat between 23th april and 6th may
    PUSTERUM + KlangWelt Toggenburg is an experiment to explore what is a new working paradigme. We are curious to explore what happens when we mix coworking in nature with sound and rhythmic experiences. In our next  pilot from April 23th - May 6th we will explore different ways of balancing being and doing while connecting to yourself, others and nature. How will it influence our own life rhythm? Will it unleash a different wave of creativity and forster new connections in us? Join us for some days or weeks! Get more infos here.
  • Call for Warriors without Weapons 11th Edition - July 2018 – Santos / Brasil
    Warriors Without Weapons is a leadership and community entrepreneurship learning journey that unites 60 people from all around the world that are seeking change in the world and want to be an active part of it. The Core of the journey is a one month fulltime immersion training in Santos / Brazil. Here you will learn through interaction with a real community, where the shared knowledge of all serves as the foundation for building collective dreams. The Elos Philosophy and the OASIS Game reveals itself as a guideline for transforming people and relationships in any social context. More info here.
  • Summerpreneurship: Application is open for startups
    Summerpreneurship brings students together with startups for a summer internship. Are you a startup and looking for talented interns? Get access to a pool of talented students, get guided through the hiring process and find your match. Benefit from the early bird discount (CHF 195 instead of CHF 275) to participate. Application is open until March 25 here.
  • Campaign Bootcamp 19.-24.08.2018
    Campaign Bootcamp Switzerland ist eine sechstägige Weiterbildung. Die Teilnehmenden lernen gemeinsam, wie erfolgreiche Kampagnen entwickelt und durchgeführt werden. Im Rahmen eines Mentoring- und Unterstützungsprogramms werden sie anschliessend ein Jahr lang von erfahrenen Kampagnen-Profis begleitet. Mehr infos hier.
  • Impact Hub is hiring a Program Associate (Internship 80-100%)
    We are looking for an exceptional individual to work in fostering impact-driven entrepreneurship in Switzerland. Working from our space in Geneva or Lausanne, you will be in charge of supporting the design and implementation of some of our programs and other enabling activities like workshops and expert connections. More info here.
  • Lancer une initiative de Transition: Formation de 2 jours à Bienne, 24 et 25 mars 2018
    Lancer et énergiser la transition là où vous vivez! 2 jours pour découvrir des idées et des outils pratiques pour préparer, démarrer ou relancer une initiative de Transition citoyenne, découvrir les dimensions tant intérieures qu'extérieures du changement positif et repartir reliés à la puissance du mouvement. Il s’agit de la formation de base organisée par le Transition Network et adaptée à notre contexte. Cette formation est idéale pour ceux et celles qui découvrent la Transition. C'est aussi une formation idéale si vous énergisez un projet de Transition et que vous souhaitez renforcer vos compétences et vos connaissances. Plus d'informations ici.

Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #9

  • PUSTERUM + KlangWelt: Coliving and coworking retreat between 23th april and 6th may
    PUSTERUM + KlangWelt Toggenburg is an experiment to explore what is a new working paradigme. We are curious to explore what happens when we mix coworking in nature with sound and rhythmic experiences. In our next  pilot from April 23th - May 6th we will explore different ways of balancing being and doing while connecting to yourself, others and nature. How will it influence our own life rhythm? Will it unleash a different wave of creativity and forster new connections in us? Join us for some days or weeks! Get more infos here.
  • Summerpreneurship: Application is open for startups
    Summerpreneurship brings students together with startups for a summer internship. Are you a startup and looking for talented interns? Get access to a pool of talented students, get guided through the hiring process and find your match. Benefit from the early bird discount (CHF 195 instead of CHF 275) to participate. Application is open until March 25 here.
  • Movetia: Project Manager Extracurricular Youth Work
    Work for one year in a great and motivated team for the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ in the area extracurricular youth work (program Youth in Action). You find the job offer on Movetia.ch. Application deadline is 15th March.
  • Lancer une initiative de Transition: Formation de 2 jours à Bienne, 24 et 25 mars 2018
    Lancer et énergiser la transition là où vous vivez! 2 jours pour découvrir des idées et des outils pratiques pour préparer, démarrer ou relancer une initiative de Transition citoyenne, découvrir les dimensions tant intérieures qu'extérieures du changement positif et repartir reliés à la puissance du mouvement. Il s’agit de la formation de base organisée par le Transition Network et adaptée à notre contexte. Cette formation est idéale pour ceux et celles qui découvrent la Transition. C'est aussi une formation idéale si vous énergisez un projet de Transition et que vous souhaitez renforcer vos compétences et vos connaissances. Plus d'informations ici.

Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #8

  • Soirée Kampagnenforum: Alles VUKA, oder was?

    Die Welt in der wir leben und somit auch die Wirtschaft und das Wirtschaften ändert sich rasant. Beeinflusst durch die Megatrends der Digitalisierung und des demographischen Wandel, wirkt die Welt immer volatiler, unsicherer, komplex und ambiguider. Wir sprechen oft von der sogenannten "VUKA" Welt. Dem gegenüber steht in grosses Bedürfnis der Menschen nach Stabilität, Sicherheit, Einfachheit und Eindeutigkeit. Wie können Organisationen darauf reagieren bzw. wie könnten Rahmenbedingungen für Arbeit neu definiert werden?

    Das Kampagnenforum organisiert am 19. April 2018 ab 17h30 eine Soirée mit Apéro dazu. Mehr Infos hier.


  • OTOP.life l'app pour partager ses talents entre potes

    OTOP C'EST QUOI ? Un réseau social d’entraide par les jeunes pour les jeunes.
    OTOP ÇA SERT À QUOI ? A partager ses compétences avec ses potes. A bénéficier de coups de pouces. À être solidaire et agir localement.
    POURQUOI OTOP ? Parce que les jeunes ont des compétences, qu’ils sont responsables, et qu’ils peuvent s’entr’aider entre ami.e.s.

    Comment ca marche ? On invite ses potes sur l'application. On se connecte entre ami.e.s . On se donne des OTOP , c’est-à-dire des compétences, intérêts, qualités. On peut s’en attribuer mais aussi en donner à ses ami.e.s.

    Grâce à ses OTOPS, on peut proposer ou demander des Coup de pouces pour valoriser ses compétences ou celles de ses ami.e.s. Un coup de pouce c'est quoi? Une demande d'aide ou une proposition d'activité. Finalement, demander de l’aide devient une façon de valoriser les qualités de ses potes !

  • Gestalte die Aussenpolitik im foraus Policy Lab!
    Werde publizierteR foraus-AutorIn! Das foraus Policy Lab 2018 bringt Content und Community am 15. März und vom 6.-8. April in Bern zusammen. Du interessierst dich für die Beziehungen Schweiz-EU, Sicherheitspolitik im Cyberspace und Nachhaltigkeit in der Aussenpolitik? Du möchtest die Arbeit in einem innovativen aussenpolitischen Grassroots Think Tank hautnah miterleben? Dann Bewirb dich bis zum 18. Februar oder schreib uns deine Fragen. Wir freuen uns darauf mit dir die Aussenpolitik der Schweiz mitzugestalten. Mehr Infos hier.
  • Bewerbe dich fürs Campaign Bootcamp
    Das Campaign Bootcamp ist eine sechstägige Weiterbildung für junge Erwachsene, die sich zivilgesellschaftlich engagieren. Die Teilnehmenden lernen gemeinsam, wie erfolgreiche Kampagnen entwickelt und durchgeführt werden und werden im Rahmen eines Mentoring- und Unterstützungsprogramms anschliessend ein Jahr lang von erfahrenen Kampagnen-Profis begleitet. Die Anmeldefrist ist bis 1. April 2018. Details siehe hier.