Let's create a future-oriented working culture


The world is turning at an increasing speed. Present leadership models, career paths, the organization of hierarchies and ways of working are changing drastically. We accompany organizations in their transformation with the spirit of generation Y.

Organisations continue to face challenges such as:

  • Individualisation

  • Digitalisation

  • Acquisition and retention of young talented employees


  • Integration of the generations X, Y and Z

  • Failure of working cultures and business strategies in todays volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment

... and we will help you tackle these challenges!

Through unconventional, experience-based facilitation methods we provide the empowering framework in which your transformation can be co-created and co-owned by your employees.


Our four dimensions of impact

We accompany organisations in their transition towards sustainable and empowering working cultures to cope with today's challenges. We transform your organisation into a great place to work with an agile hierarchy, where employees show intrinsic motivation and euphoria. Our services focus on four dimensions. Together we answer the following questions for your environment:

the individual

How do you grow strong and authentic leaders, who are proactive and can foster collaboration?


the teams

How do you build and nurture trust in a team, so that it can unleash its full potential and collective intelligence?


the organisation

How do you drive innovation and human-centered leadership, while creating a more sustainable business and a great place to work?

the society

How do you create meaningful careers and institutions full of purpose and innovation?


Our workshops and seminars

Leading with Impact is a leadership and change management programme which prepares present and future leaders for current challenges and offers an intense and direct exchange between executives and young talents. Participants reflect on their own leadership style and learn the necessary skills to become agile leaders of the 21st century.

Duration of the training: 3-4 days + 8 months of guided change management


Radical Collaboration® is a methodology for building high-trust relationships in order to improve efficiency, productivity, innovation and agility. This 3-day workshop is particularly beneficial for people who want to create a highly collaborative working environment and who want to solves problems that arise in workplaces where different interests and opinions may create conflict. 

Duration of the training: 3 days


We also design tailor-made programmes fitted to the specific needs of your organization and offer our facilitation expertise for your meetings, conferences, workshops and retreats. Our proficiency lies  in the following areas:

  • Leadership in the 21st century

  • Individual and organizational well-being

  • Self-management and Teal organizations

  • Team building


Reach your goals with euforia!

Our success is driven by these key factors:

Authenticity: We’re walking the talk! We are living the working cultures and values we impart and bring in the mindset and energy of the Generation Y. Our working experience with young individuals, teams and top managers of large companies gives us a strong background. We have facilitated trainings and programmes ranging from groups of 6 up to 1,000 people.

Empowering framework: Our facilitators possess the expertise to understand your needs. However, unlike conventional consultants, we are guiding you with facilitation methods to quickly prototype the solution yourself – because you are the expert!

The human being in the centre: We focus on soft skills and provide a learning environment on a basis of trust, where everybody can show up as they are. This creates an incubator for development and performance. Thanks to our experiential methods, your learnings are more powerful and durable. Plus, it’s much more fun!


Our references


“euforia did a great job regarding the facilitation of inter-generational dialogue in a big group. Diverse teams are more creative, also in solution finding, and therefore often take better decisions – if they learn to listen to each other and to build on each other’s strengths. euforia did a great job regarding the facilitation of inter-generational dialogue in a big group. ”
Marion Scharpf, Director HR Development of Migros 

“At imp!act one may feel euphoric together with the young, creating something tangible from scratch in a very short period of time, and to be part of it.”
Reto Fuchs, Head of System Integration Swisscom Enterprise

 “I started teaching last millennium, and my own job training has been emphasized entirely on content and quality of information and how to transmit it in the shortest period of time. During the whole workshop one thing became very clear to me: Designing a class is not about the content - it is about the students! What needs do they have, and then choosing the content that is related to those needs. I now engage in a student-centric design of content!”
Prof. Brusoni, Professor of Technology and Innovation Management of ETH


PostFinance | Swisscom | Jobcloud | Terre des hommes Schweiz | Glenmark | WWF Schweiz | Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW | Retraites Populaires | Migros | Die Post | Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich | University of St. Gallen | Schindler | Mairie de Saint-Julien | IDMC | Oxford University | Unitar | Hospice Général Genève | Hôpitaux Universitaires Genève | Confédération Suisse en Lettonie | Université de Genève | Business School Lausanne


Let's get in touch!

We would be delighted to get to know you. Please do not hesitate to ask us for further information. We will be happy to schedule a meeting or have an informal coffee to understand your needs and explore collaboration possibilities.


Romandie /


Alessia Cervone
Co-founder & Chief Empowerment Officer

Deutschschweiz /


Severin von Hünerbein
Euphoric Business Enabler