A Meaningful Career: What are your options?


>>> Two invitations by Impact Hub Zürich

A Meaningful Career: What are your options?

Are you looking for a meaningful job? This urge combined with a need for innovation and positive impact leads us directly to concrete career options.

Our goal is to present you the paths for a job with meaning as social entrepreneurship & social intrapreneurship. Additionally you can connect with a network of peers who have similar questions. Why?

For more and more talented professionals who are predestined for a what-used-to-be stellar career, earning money and rising up the career ladder is not enough anymore. They are looking to change something in the world through their job: a career with purpose. This does not mean that money is not important. On the contrary, we all want to take care of our families and be able to enjoy the opportunities of our time. However, it should be possible to combine the different factors that makes us happy, shouldn’t it?

It turns out to be difficult for professionals to access opportunities to combine money and meaning. Are you one of those? Then this event is for you.

Website: https://zurich.impacthub.ch/de/event/meaningfulcareer2017/

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Match-Making Event 17. Juli 2017

Are you a startup and looking for a new team member or even a co-founder? Or are you looking for a job or new opportunity in an impact startup?

Then take part in our Match-Making event on July 17 organised by Impact Hub Zürich. This Match-Making event brings together a large pool of talented jobseekers and up to 20 startups looking for new team members through a fun and efficient speed-dating format. Don’t miss this awesome opportunity!

Flow of the event: In the beginning each startup gets the chance to pitch during 60 seconds their venture and for who they are looking for in front of highly talented and motivated candidates followed by several rounds of 5 minute speed dates. Each candidate picks after the pitches their favorite startups and meets them in one of the speed-dating slots. During your ‚date‘ take the chance and explore if and how you can work together. Maybe a new team member, an advisor or even a co-founder is the right match…

After the speed-dating session, you can mingle during an informal networking apéro and meet the rest of the startups and candidates, as well as asking any follow-up questions you have.

Application Deadline is July 11, midnight for startups and jobseekers! Check out our homepage for more information and tickets.

Website: https://zurich.impacthub.ch/de/event/match-making2017/