community imp!act - become a volunt’hero/ine!
community imp!act, our newest co-creation baby, is a 3 days workshop where communities identify their common challenges, brainstorm solution ideas, put them into concrete action plans and test them right away. Communities have the capacity to respond when they own the issue they struggle with. That capacity remains to be revealed and nurtured. We seek to accompany refugee communities as they go on the path to ownership of their challenges and act upon them.
Hence, the first community imp!act will be organised by the Sudanese and Ethiopian communities on March 8-10th 2019 in Zurich. We are still searching for amazing volunteers in the areas of event planning & logistics, organising a community fundraising event, preparing the facilitation of the community imp!act etc. Thus, we want to euphorically invite you to support us throughout our journey :) Please contact Haile via Email or phone +41 (0)78 681 43 34.euforia - paid translation gig English - German
We seek someone who can translate our amazing facilitation handbook from English into German which is around 50 pages long. You are a skilled translator? You want to learn about facilitation methods while translating? Then please contact Magdalena.SCI Schweiz - Mitarbeiter/in Finanzen, Mitgliederverwaltung und Administration 50%
Hast du Erfahrung in der Administration und ein Flair für Zahlen? Bist du ein Organisationstalent und arbeitest gerne selbständig? Sprichst du fliessend Französisch und Deutsch? Dann bewirb dich bis am 16. Dezember 2018! Wir suchen per 1. Mai 2019 oder nach Vereinbarung: Eine/n Mitarbeiter/in Finanzen, Mitgliederverwaltung und Administration 50%. Du bist verantwortlich für die Buchhaltung des SCI, erstellst Zwischen- und Jahresabschlüsse. Ebenfalls gehören die Anstellungs- und Personaladministration zu deinen Aufgaben. Zur Mitglieder- und Datenbankpflege gehören unter anderem die Adressverwaltung der Mitglieder und die Organisation von zweimonatlichen Treffs der Mitglieder im Büro. Du erledigst Vereinsarbeiten, wie die Durchführung der Komiteesitzungen und der Jahresversammlung. Hier zur Stellenausschreibung.DécadréE - Crowdfunding
Le 26 novembre dernier, DécadréE lançait son manifeste pour un meilleur traitement médiatique des violences sexistes. Les retombées médiatiques et les soutiens furent nombreux! Un succès qui confirme l'importance de sensibiliser les médias aux traitements médiatiques des violences sexistes. Pour continuer ce travail, DécadréE a besoin de fond. Nous avons ainsi mis en place une campagne de Crowdfunding avec pour objectif la construction d'un site internet à destination des journalistes. Afin de que cette campagne soit un succès nous avons besoin de ton soutien! Tu peux donner à hauteur de tes moyens et surtout partager afin que la campagne touche le plus de monde possible ! Lien vers la campagne! D'avance un grand merci pour ta participation !euforia - Project Funding for projects created between 2007 - 2018
Thanks to a partnership with Tsadik Foundation, euforia is offering funding opportunities to projects created during any euforia event from 2007 to 2018 in Switzerland and abroad. The goal is to support newborn projects through the competition “Enable your vision” as well as projects that have already been existing for a while and might need a little energy boost through the competition “Boost your project”. The jury will allocate the funding available (€ 6000) according to the needs of the projects and the expected effect this funding will have on each of them. Here to the Call for Action.euforia - End of the Year Party, Geneva
Partyyy. Lots of events took place, new inspiring projects were developed, new people joining our community, our others keeping the euforia spirit alive,... We believe, this is more than reason enough to celebrate! So let's toast to a wonderful year before we all get lost in holidays! Looking forward to seeing you all in Geneva. Please indicate if you want to join on Facebook.
You want to share your opportunities with our community? Click here.