Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #4

1 Engagement Opportunities Colored-moved-Balls-Logo_1.png
  • euforia - TOMORROW: community support event, Zurich
    We’d love to invite you to a first community support event where you can get to know the community imp!act teams and the program as well as enjoy delicious traditional Ethiopian and Sudanese cuisine, cultural music and other activities that demonstrate our respective cultural heritages. The income from the sale of food will be used to cover the costs of the community imp!acts. Check out our invitation and some more detailed information on the program. See you tomorrow!

  • Capacity - Info Session for potential entrepreneurs, mentors, coaches and volunteers

    “We firmly believe in the democratisation of entrepreneurial education and the creation of economic opportunities for all, regardless of gender, nationality, religion, race or socio-economic background." 

    Since 2016, euforia and Capacity, Zürich's first startup incubator for refugees and migrants, collaborated closely to foster radical inclusion in entrepreneurship and beyond. Therefore, we would like to invite you to Capacity's information session for potential entrepreneurs, mentors, coaches and volunteers taking place on the 7th of February from 6-8:30 at the Impact Hub Viadukt, Zürich. Register here.

  • ROCK YOUR LIFE! Schweiz - Trainees im Bereich Projektführung gesucht
    Wir bieten eine vielseitige Tätigkeit, Verantwortung für deinen Standort wobei du erste Führungserfahrung gewinnen kannst. Du hast Gestaltungsfreiheit und Gelegenheit, deine Ideen einzubringen sowie die Möglichkeit, dir ein Netzwerk mit Akteuren aus Bildung, Wirtschaft und öffenlicher Hand aufzubauen. Wir bieten dir die Chance, mit Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen zu arbeiten, einen Traineelohn, Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie Flexibilität hinsichtlich Arbeitszeiten und Arbeitsort. Hier für mehr Information.

  • euforia - unicorn in Lausanne a.k.a projects coordinator & community builder
    We are looking for 1-2 people to join the euforia team as interns. The new euforia unicorn in Lausanne will be part of a five people team working on our youth programmes, and will be working closely with the team for the different programmes and responsibilities. At the same time they will work very independently and will be given responsibilities right from the beginning! See here for more details.

  • collaboratio helvetica - Community Coordinator 60 - 80%
    We are a growing community of people dedicated to collaboration-driven societal change. Through positive dialogue, new forms of collaboration and space for experimentation, we shape the Switzerland we want to live in together.

    We are looking for a community coordinator (60 - 80%) for our community domain. We are building up a community platform where we invite change makers to join spaces for open and deep dialogue, to co-create, develop and maintain sustainable solutions that will transform individuals, organisations and larger ecosystems. We build structures and design processes that allow resources and talents, otherwise confined within organisations, to flow towards collective impact. We create the conditions for learning from and with each other to be able to collectively address the pressing issues and challenges of our times. Find out more here.

  • collaboratio helvetica - Kommunikationsleiter/-in (80-100%)
    Und noch mehr Neuigkeiten: Wir suchen eine/-n Kommunikationsleiter/-in (80-100%), idealerweise jemand, der/die bereits cohe Explorer ist. Willst du über die Arbeit von collaboratio helvetica berichten und uns bekannter machen? Lies die Job-Beschreibung und melde dich bei uns!

  • Project Funding for projects created between 2007 - 2018
    Thanks to a partnership with Tsadik Foundation, euforia is offering funding opportunities to projects created during any euforia event from 2007 to 2018 in Switzerland and abroad. The goal is to support newborn projects through the competition “Enable your vision” as well as projects that have already been existing for a while and might need a little energy boost through the competition “Boost your project”. The jury will allocate the funding available (€ 6000) according to the needs of the projects and the expected effect this funding will have on each of them. Send us your application until January 31st!

  • Check out the News from The Marketplace! Zurich Retreat is looking for engaged people!

    If you also want to share an Opportunity: www.euforia.org/opportunities