Welcome Floriane!!! Our new Link Creator and Community Builder!

Hi there ! 

My name is Floriane. I was born in France but have been living in Geneva for almost 2 years now, with my boyfriend and my cat Pablo! 
I felt obliged to specify because a large part of my life is about animal care. Most of my friends define me as a real animal lover (Brigitte?)! I used to have cats, dogs, rabbits... and one my biggest dream would be having a big animal sanctuary where they can be safe and loved! (Don't worry I really enjoy spending time with people too ;) )

What can I say about me? I have been working in Okairos organisation for one year now and we are now merging with euforia. Okairos and euforia are both social organisations with strong values of authenticity, solidarity and fun with young people - which are also personality traits that can define me as well. I really feel that alone you can be quicker but together we can go the furthest! 

I discovered euforia around one and a half years ago when I decided to be part of the imp!act adventure as participant. I can say with all my heart that it really changed my life! 
It allowed me to meet wonderful, inspiring and open minded people. 
I had the chance to make some really good friends, find a job, but most importantly I felt that I was not alone anymore… It really gave me the opportunity to understand that many people wanted to put in place projects and initiatives to change things!! So comforting!
Don't you feel that we have the power to change the world if we really want to? I do! 

Apart from that, I am described as a curious and very positive person. I really try to always see the glass half full! I used to study environmental sciences to make the world a better place to live. I'm trying changing my consumption and general habits towards a more sustainable way of life. 

Another big part of my life is travelling. I’ve been visiting several countries such as USA, Sri Lanka, Caribbean Islands, Canada, Spain, England, Portugal, Philippines, South Africa and much more! Travelling is a real motor in my life (thanks to my parents who were hard backpackers). Basically, I really love discovering new cultures, people, landscapes and … food!! 

Now that I am officially part of this euforic story and If you want to know more about my role in euforia, feel free to email or call me. I’ll be very please to talk about imp!act and our next programs such as inclusion programs with vulnerable teenagers, and much more! 

See you. 

