Recipes for Wellbeing - Pro Bono Illustrator
We are looking for a remote pro-bono illustrator to take our website to the next level. We are currently updating our website and need a creative illustrator who is passionate about bringing concepts to life through images. This person will engage with the core team and the website developer but can do so remotely and independently.
Recipes for Wellbeing works towards shifting the culture of changemaking to include a focus on holistic wellbeing to enable anyone to contribute more effectively to creating positive change in the world. We host immersive wellbeing labs, facilitate engaging wellbeing workshops, deliver inspiring wellbeing talks... and have a selection of 90+ wellbeing recipes freely accessible on our website! You want to contribute? Check out our offer!NCBI - train the trainers Kurs
Diese dreitägige Intensivausbildung vermittelt den Teilnehmenden, wie man NCBI-Programme zum Abbau von Vorurteilen sowie zur Gewaltprävention mitleiten kann und welche Fertigkeiten benutzt werden können, um Einstellungen konstruktiv und kreativ zu verändern. Hier für mehr Information.Innobridge - Smart City Boost Genève
La ville de Lausanne, la ville de Genève et la société Innobridge Services Sàrl se sont entendues sur la mise en place d’un programme au service de l’innovation urbaine et durable, nommé « Smart City Boost » sur base d’ « hackathons augmentés ». Le hackathon du Smart City Boost de Genève se tiendra sur le Canton de Genève les 22 et 23 mars 2019. La thématique retenue par la ville de Genève est : Stimuler l’innovation urbaine et durable au service des Suite au travail préparatoire avec les acteurs de la ville intelligente sur Genève nous avons défini 6 défis : 1) Sport des femmes en ville 2) Connecté à mon quartier 3) Application - Genève en Poche 4) Gestion efficiente et durable de l’éclairage privé 5) Eco-gestion : stimuler les comportements permettant une meilleure gestion de l’énergie 6) TPG: Inclure les utilisateurs comme parties prenantes de la définition de l’offre des lignes de bus. Cliquez ici pour plus d’information.Verein Naturkultur - Interkulturelles Begegnungsprojekt "Building Walls - Breaking Walls" 2019
Die interkulturelle Projektwoche "Building Walls - Breaking Walls" findet 2019 insgesamt fünf Mal statt. Während einer Woche bauen junge Erwachsene (18-25) aus Israel, Palästina, Irland/Nordirland und der Schweiz zusammen eine Trockensteinmauer. Durch interkulturelle Workshops zum Thema Grenzen und Mauern tauschen sie sich aus und lernen die anderen Kulturen besser kennen. Hast auch Du Spass daran, andere Kulturen und junge Menschen kennenzulernen, und bist Du gerne aktiv draussen in der Natur? Dann melde dich jetzt an und erlebe einmalige Tage in den Schweizer Bergen, in der israelischen Wüste oder in der irischen See. Mehr Infos und Anmeldung.
Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #11
NCBI - train the trainers Kurs
Diese dreitägige Intensivausbildung vermittelt den Teilnehmenden, wie man NCBI-Programme zum Abbau von Vorurteilen sowie zur Gewaltprävention mitleiten kann und welche Fertigkeiten benutzt werden können, um Einstellungen konstruktiv und kreativ zu verändern. Hier für mehr Information.Innobridge - Smart City Boost Genève
La ville de Lausanne, la ville de Genève et la société Innobridge Services Sàrl se sont entendues sur la mise en place d’un programme au service de l’innovation urbaine et durable, nommé « Smart City Boost » sur base d’ « hackathons augmentés ». Le hackathon du Smart City Boost de Genève se tiendra sur le Canton de Genève les 22 et 23 mars 2019. La thématique retenue par la ville de Genève est : Stimuler l’innovation urbaine et durable au service des Suite au travail préparatoire avec les acteurs de la ville intelligente sur Genève nous avons défini 6 défis : 1) Sport des femmes en ville 2) Connecté à mon quartier 3) Application - Genève en Poche 4) Gestion efficiente et durable de l’éclairage privé 5) Eco-gestion : stimuler les comportements permettant une meilleure gestion de l’énergie 6) TPG: Inclure les utilisateurs comme parties prenantes de la définition de l’offre des lignes de bus. Cliquez ici pour plus d’information.Verein Naturkultur - Interkulturelles Begegnungsprojekt "Building Walls - Breaking Walls" 2019
Die interkulturelle Projektwoche "Building Walls - Breaking Walls" findet 2019 insgesamt fünf Mal statt. Während einer Woche bauen junge Erwachsene (18-25) aus Israel, Palästina, Irland/Nordirland und der Schweiz zusammen eine Trockensteinmauer. Durch interkulturelle Workshops zum Thema Grenzen und Mauern tauschen sie sich aus und lernen die anderen Kulturen besser kennen. Hast auch Du Spass daran, andere Kulturen und junge Menschen kennenzulernen, und bist Du gerne aktiv draussen in der Natur? Dann melde dich jetzt an und erlebe einmalige Tage in den Schweizer Bergen, in der israelischen Wüste oder in der irischen See. Mehr Infos und Anmeldung.allrights - Workshop Schweizer Staat
Die PolitStage zum Thema Schweizer Staat und Integration & Migration bringt interkulturelle Vernetzung und Information mit politischem Engagement zusammen. Die beiden Workshops richten sich an Jugendliche zwischen 12 und 21 Jahren. Sie sind kostenlos und anmeldepflichtig. Hier für mehr Information.Pioneers of Change - Online Summit 2019, Inspiration und Mut für Veränderung
33 Speaker*innen verbreiten Inspiration und Mut zu Zukunftsvisionen, Vorbildprojekten, Potenzialentfaltung & Systemwandel. Mit von der Partie sind insbesondere Junge Pionier*innen von der Generation Change. Sie sind nicht die Generation von morgen, sondern sie treiben heute schon den Wandel voran: Beeindruckende junge Menschen, die neue Antworten finden auf die wichtigen Fragen unserer Zeit. Ein neuer Teil des Summits – in Kooperation mit "Generation Earth" des WWF. Hier für mehr Information.euforia - juristische Unterstützung für Vereinstatuten
Du hast einen juristischen Hintergrund und ein paar freie Minuten? Wir suchen jemanden die/der unsere abgeänderten Vereinsstatuten mit einem prüfenden, sachkundigen Blick absegnet. Wahnsinnig über Unterstützung freut sich Clara.
Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #10
allrights - Workshop Schweizer Staat
Die PolitStage zum Thema Schweizer Staat und Integration & Migration bringt interkulturelle Vernetzung und Information mit politischem Engagement zusammen. Die beiden Workshops richten sich an Jugendliche zwischen 12 und 21 Jahren. Sie sind kostenlos und anmeldepflichtig. Hier für mehr Information.Pioneers of Change - Online Summit 2019, Inspiration und Mut für Veränderung
33 Speaker*innen verbreiten Inspiration und Mut zu Zukunftsvisionen, Vorbildprojekten, Potenzialentfaltung & Systemwandel. Mit von der Partie sind insbesondere Junge Pionier*innen von der Generation Change. Sie sind nicht die Generation von morgen, sondern sie treiben heute schon den Wandel voran: Beeindruckende junge Menschen, die neue Antworten finden auf die wichtigen Fragen unserer Zeit. Ein neuer Teil des Summits – in Kooperation mit "Generation Earth" des WWF. Hier für mehr Information.euforia - juristische Unterstützung für Vereinstatuten
Du hast einen juristischen Hintergrund und ein paar freie Minuten? Wir suchen jemanden die/der unsere abgeänderten Vereinsstatuten mit einem prüfenden, sachkundigen Blick absegnet. Wahnsinnig über Unterstützung freut sich Clara.Maison de naissance la Roseraie - Offre d'emploi: Directeur-trice
La Maison de naissance la Roseraie a ouvert ses portes en janvier 2012. Cette belle maison située dans un vaste jardin est totalement dédiée à la naissance naturelle. Elle s’adresse tout particulièrement aux femmes qui souhaitent accoucher de manière physiologique et non médicalisée. Les maisons de naissance proposent aux futurs parents de vivre pleinement la naissance de leur enfant, confiants en la capacité innée de la femme à donner la vie, dès lors que les conditions nécessaires sont réunies. Pour plus d’information.Center for Philanthropy Studies - Online course «Entrepreneurship in Nonprofits»
What are nonprofit organizations and what does social entrepreneurship mean? How can I achieve social innovation in a sustainable way? And how do I achieve long-lasting impact with my social project? Find the answer to these and many more questions in the FutureLearn online course «Entrepreneurship in Nonprofits». Over the course of five weeks, Prof. Dr. Georg von Schnurbein – director at the Center for Philanthropy Studies of the University of Basel – and various academic and field experts will take you on a journey through the fascinating world of social innovation. The course is directed at anyone interested in the topics of social entrepreneurship as well as at dedicated people who want to work in the nonprofit sector – or are already active in this area. It provides you with the economic tools and knowledge that you need to become a social entrepreneur. And it asks you to take a thorough look at your own practice by critically reflecting the learnings with respect to your existing or envisioned social enterprise.oikos - shape the evolve conference
the evolve conference is looking for somebody from the euforia community to host a Workshop at their conference on April 25. ur proposal to euforia: hosting a workshop on 25th April. Possible theme is: Social start-up prototyping: “devising a social start-up idea contributing to the achievement of SDG”. This theme might be similar to the “imp!act” program that euforia is offering, but it would be much more compact at our conference. Students working in groups could develop a social star-up idea dedicated to SGD achievement. Concept of SDG and some successful examples might be given during the first 15-20 mins of the workshop. In case of questions contact the team.
Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #9
Maison de naissance la Roseraie - Offre d'emploi: Directeur-trice
La Maison de naissance la Roseraie a ouvert ses portes en janvier 2012. Cette belle maison située dans un vaste jardin est totalement dédiée à la naissance naturelle. Elle s’adresse tout particulièrement aux femmes qui souhaitent accoucher de manière physiologique et non médicalisée. Les maisons de naissance proposent aux futurs parents de vivre pleinement la naissance de leur enfant, confiants en la capacité innée de la femme à donner la vie, dès lors que les conditions nécessaires sont réunies. Pour plus d’information.Center for Philanthropy Studies - Online course «Entrepreneurship in Nonprofits»
What are nonprofit organizations and what does social entrepreneurship mean? How can I achieve social innovation in a sustainable way? And how do I achieve long-lasting impact with my social project? Find the answer to these and many more questions in the FutureLearn online course «Entrepreneurship in Nonprofits». Over the course of five weeks, Prof. Dr. Georg von Schnurbein – director at the Center for Philanthropy Studies of the University of Basel – and various academic and field experts will take you on a journey through the fascinating world of social innovation. The course is directed at anyone interested in the topics of social entrepreneurship as well as at dedicated people who want to work in the nonprofit sector – or are already active in this area. It provides you with the economic tools and knowledge that you need to become a social entrepreneur. And it asks you to take a thorough look at your own practice by critically reflecting the learnings with respect to your existing or envisioned social enterprise.oikos - shape the evolve conference
the evolve conference is looking for somebody from the euforia community to host a Workshop at their conference on April 25. ur proposal to euforia: hosting a workshop on 25th April. Possible theme is: Social start-up prototyping: “devising a social start-up idea contributing to the achievement of SDG”. This theme might be similar to the “imp!act” program that euforia is offering, but it would be much more compact at our conference. Students working in groups could develop a social star-up idea dedicated to SGD achievement. Concept of SDG and some successful examples might be given during the first 15-20 mins of the workshop. In case of questions contact the team.ArboLife - Formations en Gouvernance distribuée à Neuchâtel, Lausanne ou Genève
A quoi ressemblerait le fonctionnement d'une équipe, d'une association ou d'une organisation qui placerait l'humain et l'intelligence collective au centre ? Faut-il éliminer la hiérarchie ou la réinventer ? Comment faire pour ne pas se retrouver dans une impasse avec de belles valeurs, un manque de structure et une baisse d'efficience ? Quelles sont les nouvelles façons de collaborer et de manager tout en augmentant l'agilité, l'efficience et l'action ? Pour répondre à ces questions, notre formation pratique de deux jours s’adresse autant à ceux qui veulent découvrir les pratiques de ce nouveau paradigme organisationnel qu’à ceux qui fonctionnent déjà dans une organisation en auto-gestion et qui souhaite encrer leur posture de facilitateur et de contributeur à la transformation de la culture et du système de l’organisation. Cette formation suit un cheminement intégral qui permet d'explorer individuellement et de relier le système de valeur personnel, les comportements individuels, la culture partagée de l’équipe et le système de fonctionnement du collectif. Nous avons trois nouvelles sessions prévues d'ici à fin mai. Détails et inscriptions ici. Intéressés? Contactez-nous!CooperativeSuisse - Veranstaltungsreihe für Social Entrepreneurship
Viele Unternehmen fokussieren längst nicht mehr nur auf ihre Profitmaximierung. Die positive soziale, gesellschaftliche und ökologische Wirkung stehen im Zentrum ihrer Unternehmenstätigkeit. Als Vorreiter sind diese Social Enterprise häufig auf sich alleine gestellt. Der ImpactHub, die ABS und CooperativeSuisse wollen diese Unternehmen mit 3 Veranstaltungen ins Rampenlicht stellen, zusammenbringen und mit ihnen Erfahrungen austauschen. Wir freuen uns, euch dabei zu haben! Mehr Informationen.
Welcome back Nico!
Dear all!
My name is Nicoletta - or Nico, as almost everyone calls me ! Being both Argentinian and Swiss, I decided to answer to some identity questions by coming to Switzerland after having lived all my life in beautiful Buenos Aires. I have always been interested in seeing and learning about how different people think and act, and found that amazing people can be found in every single corner of the world =) . I am curious to know in how far and through which mechanisms we manage to make (at least small!) changes in the world, and passionate about how digitalisation can help solve societal problems. I am a firm believer of equality and the intrinsic power of diversity - which can be food for thought for personal growth, within teams and for society in general. Some papers show that I finished degrees in Political Science, Gender and Public Administration. But what these do not show is the positive energy and enthusiasm I can bring to a team.
My love story with euforia began a while ago. We organised the first imp!act in Lausanne back in 2015, and then I continued the volunteer's path to show other junior facilitators how to organise such an event. I then got the chance of being part of the Impact Career Academy, through which I got into euforia's evaluation team, in the beginning as an impact booster, then further as an eval-ninja. Under the motto “make evaluations sexy”, in euforia we promote the use of evaluation results by making the content as appealing as possible for and by revealing its value to all our colleagues. After a short one-year break I am now back! This time as part of the FunRaising team. What I love most from working in this organisation is always being challenged to think outside the box into pure authenticity and with the need to create actual changemaking.
I am looking forward to being back and to continue helping changemakers to meet their full potential...
Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #8
ArboLife - Formations en Gouvernance distribuée à Neuchâtel, Lausanne ou Genève
A quoi ressemblerait le fonctionnement d'une équipe, d'une association ou d'une organisation qui placerait l'humain et l'intelligence collective au centre ? Faut-il éliminer la hiérarchie ou la réinventer ? Comment faire pour ne pas se retrouver dans une impasse avec de belles valeurs, un manque de structure et une baisse d'efficience ? Quelles sont les nouvelles façons de collaborer et de manager tout en augmentant l'agilité, l'efficience et l'action ? Pour répondre à ces questions, notre formation pratique de deux jours s’adresse autant à ceux qui veulent découvrir les pratiques de ce nouveau paradigme organisationnel qu’à ceux qui fonctionnent déjà dans une organisation en auto-gestion et qui souhaite encrer leur posture de facilitateur et de contributeur à la transformation de la culture et du système de l’organisation. Cette formation suit un cheminement intégral qui permet d'explorer individuellement et de relier le système de valeur personnel, les comportements individuels, la culture partagée de l’équipe et le système de fonctionnement du collectif. Nous avons trois nouvelles sessions prévues d'ici à fin mai. Détails et inscriptions ici. Intéressés? Contactez-nous!CooperativeSuisse - Veranstaltungsreihe für Social Entrepreneurship
Viele Unternehmen fokussieren längst nicht mehr nur auf ihre Profitmaximierung. Die positive soziale, gesellschaftliche und ökologische Wirkung stehen im Zentrum ihrer Unternehmenstätigkeit. Als Vorreiter sind diese Social Enterprise häufig auf sich alleine gestellt. Der ImpactHub, die ABS und CooperativeSuisse wollen diese Unternehmen mit 3 Veranstaltungen ins Rampenlicht stellen, zusammenbringen und mit ihnen Erfahrungen austauschen. Wir freuen uns, euch dabei zu haben! Mehr Informationen.SDC & SECO- together we’re better Future prize
SDC and SECO search for innovative projects, initiatives and ideas aiming at achieving one of the SDGs in a Swiss development cooperation country. There is a special category with the motto “think global, act local” - for projects that utilise existing local structures and which establish long-term partnerships to help advance sustainable development and fight poverty. The funding is up to 10.000 CHF. Let's co-create our world of tomorrow, because together we’re better. See here for more information.step into action - LOOKING FOR TEAM MEMBERS for the step into action teams in St. Gallen, Bern and Geneva
Organise the next step into action event in Bern, St. Gallen or Genève together with other motivated people. step into action empowers and motivates young people to help shape our society and tackle global challenges locally. The main event, an interactive parcours, brings together around 800-1000 high school pupils, 40 teachers, 20 NGOs and 40 young volunteers to jointly promote civic engagement and education for sustainable development. Further information and all the dates can be found on the website. Register now, we need you in our team! Check it out!SCI Switzerland - Info Events on Volunteering Abroad
We offer the chance to discover new worlds! Our volunteering opportunities range from short workcamps to longterm stays, as do the projects: From social to cultural or ecological. Volunteer for peace, get active now! For more information check our website or come to one of our Info Events: Mo 18.2 18:00/ Mi 20.2 18:30/ Di 26.2/ Do 28.2 13:00.euforia - Geneva office space
You want to work in a euforic setting? We are renting at least two working spaces in our office in Geneva, Rue de Savoises 15. The rent per month is 150CHF but we also rent per day/week. If you are interested contact us!SINGA - Spots for Recruitment SINGA Factory Cycle 3
Applications are open for the third cycle of the SINGA Factory startup program for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds! We are looking for motivated, entrepreneurial individuals or teams who want to develop and launch their own business idea in Switzerland. The 6-month part-time program includes: weekly workshops on relevant business topics; one-to-one coaching and mentoring; coworking and regular networking events. Watch the latest video from Business Sustainability Today to learn more. Program start 1st April 2019. Apply by 28th February.
You also want to share an Opportunity?
Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #7
step into action - LOOKING FOR TEAM MEMBERS for the step into action teams in St. Gallen, Bern and Geneva
Organise the next step into action event in Bern, St. Gallen or Genève together with other motivated people. step into action empowers and motivates young people to help shape our society and tackle global challenges locally. The main event, an interactive parcours, brings together around 800-1000 high school pupils, 40 teachers, 20 NGOs and 40 young volunteers to jointly promote civic engagement and education for sustainable development. Further information and all the dates can be found on the website. Register now, we need you in our team! Check it out!SCI Switzerland - Info Events on Volunteering Abroad
We offer the chance to discover new worlds! Our volunteering opportunities range from short workcamps to longterm stays, as do the projects: From social to cultural or ecological. Volunteer for peace, get active now! For more information check our website or come to one of our Info Events: Mo 18.2 18:00/ Mi 20.2 18:30/ Di 26.2/ Do 28.2 13:00.euforia - Geneva office space
You want to work in a euforic setting? We are renting at least two working spaces in our office in Geneva, Rue de Savoises 15. The rent per month is 150CHF but we also rent per day/week. If you are interested contact us!SDC & SECO- together we’re better Future prize
SDC and SECO search for innovative projects, initiatives and ideas aiming at achieving one of the SDGs in a Swiss development cooperation country. There is a special category with the motto “think global, act local” - for projects that utilise existing local structures and which establish long-term partnerships to help advance sustainable development and fight poverty. The funding is up to 10.000 CHF. Let's co-create our world of tomorrow, because together we’re better. See here for more information.SINGA - Spots for Recruitment SINGA Factory Cycle 3
Applications are open for the third cycle of the SINGA Factory startup program for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds! We are looking for motivated, entrepreneurial individuals or teams who want to develop and launch their own business idea in Switzerland. The 6-month part-time program includes: weekly workshops on relevant business topics; one-to-one coaching and mentoring; coworking and regular networking events. Watch the latest video from Business Sustainability Today to learn more. Program start 1st April 2019. Apply by 28th February.Watson Institute - Unleashing a lifetime of impact at Watson Institute
Watson Institute, a revolutionary new model of higher education for next-generation innovators and social entrepreneurs, is searching the globe for those gritty idealists and pioneers who believe they can change the world. We believe that to solve the toughest challenges facing the world, we must equip the next generation with the necessary tools, network, mindset, and courage to unleash a lifetime of impact. Applications to our Semester Incubator and Bachelor’s in social entrepreneurship from Lynn University are open! Watson Institute offers multiple full-ride fellowships including the American Impact Fellowship, Tech Fellowship, and Enlight Fellowships, among others. Apply here.ChangemakerXchange - Opportunity for Young Social Innovators from around the world
We invite you to spend 5 unforgettable days in secret locations in nature, followed by the chance to join our global community of some of the world's top young changemakers! ChangemakerXchange gives you the chance to deeply connect and collaborate with 600+ like-minded members from 80+ countries and dive into issues like how to change systems, increase personal well-being to maximize impact and find your own role in creating a world in which everyone can be a changemaker! We are open to applications for six ChangemakerXchange summits around the world, which will also act as your gateway into a global community of like-minded peers with multiple opportunities to co-create, learn and collaborate. Check out the summits in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Berlin, Cologne, Hangzhou, and Barcelona. You can find details for all here.
If you also want to share an Opportunity:
Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #6
euforia - Geneva office space
You want to work in a euforic setting? We are renting at least two working spaces in our office in Geneva, Rue de Savoises 15. The rent per month is 150CHF but we also rent per day/week. If you are interested contact us!SDC & SECO- together we’re better Future prize
SDC and SECO search for innovative projects, initiatives and ideas aiming at achieving one of the SDGs in a Swiss development cooperation country. There is a special category with the motto “think global, act local” - for projects that utilise existing local structures and which establish long-term partnerships to help advance sustainable development and fight poverty. The funding is up to 10.000 CHF. Let's co-create our world of tomorrow, because together we’re better. See here for more information.SINGA - Spots for Recruitment SINGA Factory Cycle 3
Applications are open for the third cycle of the SINGA Factory startup program for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds! We are looking for motivated, entrepreneurial individuals or teams who want to develop and launch their own business idea in Switzerland. The 6-month part-time program includes: weekly workshops on relevant business topics; one-to-one coaching and mentoring; coworking and regular networking events. Watch the latest video from Business Sustainability Today to learn more. Program start 1st April 2019. Apply by 28th February.Watson Institute - Unleashing a lifetime of impact at Watson Institute
Watson Institute, a revolutionary new model of higher education for next-generation innovators and social entrepreneurs, is searching the globe for those gritty idealists and pioneers who believe they can change the world. We believe that to solve the toughest challenges facing the world, we must equip the next generation with the necessary tools, network, mindset, and courage to unleash a lifetime of impact. Applications to our Semester Incubator and Bachelor’s in social entrepreneurship from Lynn University are open! Watson Institute offers multiple full-ride fellowships including the American Impact Fellowship, Tech Fellowship, and Enlight Fellowships, among others. Apply here.euforia - Project Funding for projects created between 2007 - 2018
Thanks to a partnership with Tsadik Foundation, euforia is offering funding opportunities to projects created during any euforia event from 2007 to 2018 in Switzerland and abroad. The goal is to support newborn projects through the competition “Enable your vision” as well as projects that have already been existing for a while and might need a little energy boost through the competition “Boost your project”. The jury will allocate the funding available (€ 6000) according to the needs of the projects and the expected effect this funding will have on each of them. Send us your application until February 15th!ChangemakerXchange - Opportunity for Young Social Innovators from around the world
We invite you to spend 5 unforgettable days in secret locations in nature, followed by the chance to join our global community of some of the world's top young changemakers! ChangemakerXchange gives you the chance to deeply connect and collaborate with 600+ like-minded members from 80+ countries and dive into issues like how to change systems, increase personal well-being to maximize impact and find your own role in creating a world in which everyone can be a changemaker! We are open to applications for six ChangemakerXchange summits around the world, which will also act as your gateway into a global community of like-minded peers with multiple opportunities to co-create, learn and collaborate. Check out the summits in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Berlin, Cologne, Hangzhou, and Barcelona. You can find details for all here.
ROCK YOUR LIFE! - Praktikant/In im Bereich Kommunikation & Unterstützung der Geschäftsführung (m/w, 50-60%) gesucht
Wir bieten eine vielseitige Tätigkeit, Verantwortung für deinen Standort wobei du erste Führungserfahrung gewinnen kannst. Du hast Gestaltungsfreiheit und Gelegenheit, deine Ideen einzubringen sowie die Möglichkeit, dir ein Netzwerk mit Akteuren aus Bildung, Wirtschaft und öffenlicher Hand aufzubauen. Wir bieten dir die Chance, mit Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen zu arbeiten, einen Traineelohn, Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie Flexibilität hinsichtlich Arbeitszeiten und Arbeitsort. Bewerbe dich hier bis zum 17.02.2018.collaboratio helvetica - Kommunikationsleiter/-in (80-100%)
Wir suchen eine/-n Kommunikationsleiter/-in (80-100%), idealerweise jemand, der/die bereits cohe Explorer ist. Willst du über die Arbeit von collaboratio helvetica berichten und uns bekannter machen? Lies die Job-Beschreibung und melde dich bis zum 15. Februar bei uns!
If you also want to share an Opportunity: