Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #5

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  • euforia - unicorn in Lausanne a.k.a projects coordinator & community builder
    We are looking for 1-2 people to join the euforia team as interns. The new euforia unicorn in Lausanne will be part of a five people team working on our youth programmes, and will be working closely with the team for the different programmes and responsibilities. At the same time they will work very independently and will be given responsibilities right from the beginning! See here for more details.

  • euforia - Project Funding for projects created between 2007 - 2018
    Thanks to a partnership with Tsadik Foundation, euforia is offering funding opportunities to projects created during any euforia event from 2007 to 2018 in Switzerland and abroad. The goal is to support newborn projects through the competition “Enable your vision” as well as projects that have already been existing for a while and might need a little energy boost through the competition “Boost your project”. The jury will allocate the funding available (€ 6000) according to the needs of the projects and the expected effect this funding will have on each of them. Send us your application until February 15th!

  • ChangemakerXchange - Opportunity for Young Social Innovators from around the world

    We invite you to spend 5 unforgettable days in secret locations in nature, followed by the chance to join our global community of some of the world's top young changemakers! ChangemakerXchange gives you the chance to deeply connect and collaborate with 600+ like-minded members from 80+ countries and dive into issues like how to change systems, increase personal well-being to maximize impact and find your own role in creating a world in which everyone can be a changemaker! We are open to applications for six ChangemakerXchange summits around the world, which will also act as your gateway into a global community of like-minded peers with multiple opportunities to co-create, learn and collaborate. Check out the summits in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Berlin, Cologne, Hangzhou, and Barcelona. You can find details for all here.

  • ROCK YOUR LIFE! - Praktikant/In im Bereich Kommunikation & Unterstützung der Geschäftsführung (m/w, 50-60%) gesucht
    Wir bieten eine vielseitige Tätigkeit, Verantwortung für deinen Standort wobei du erste Führungserfahrung gewinnen kannst. Du hast Gestaltungsfreiheit und Gelegenheit, deine Ideen einzubringen sowie die Möglichkeit, dir ein Netzwerk mit Akteuren aus Bildung, Wirtschaft und öffenlicher Hand aufzubauen. Wir bieten dir die Chance, mit Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen zu arbeiten, einen Traineelohn, Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie Flexibilität hinsichtlich Arbeitszeiten und Arbeitsort. Bewerbe dich hier bis zum 17.02.2018.

  • Capacity - Info Session for potential entrepreneurs, mentors, coaches and volunteers

    “We firmly believe in the democratisation of entrepreneurial education and the creation of economic opportunities for all, regardless of gender, nationality, religion, race or socio-economic background." 

    Since 2016, euforia and Capacity, Zürich's first startup incubator for refugees and migrants, collaborated closely to foster radical inclusion in entrepreneurship and beyond. Therefore, we would like to invite you to Capacity's information session for potential entrepreneurs, mentors, coaches and volunteers taking place on the 7th of February from 6-8:30 at the Impact Hub Viadukt, Zürich. Register here.

  • ROCK YOUR LIFE! Schweiz - Trainees im Bereich Projektführung gesucht
    Wir bieten eine vielseitige Tätigkeit, Verantwortung für deinen Standort wobei du erste Führungserfahrung gewinnen kannst. Du hast Gestaltungsfreiheit und Gelegenheit, deine Ideen einzubringen sowie die Möglichkeit, dir ein Netzwerk mit Akteuren aus Bildung, Wirtschaft und öffenlicher Hand aufzubauen. Wir bieten dir die Chance, mit Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen zu arbeiten, einen Traineelohn, Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie Flexibilität hinsichtlich Arbeitszeiten und Arbeitsort. Bewerbe dich Hier bis zum 03.02.2019.

  • collaboratio helvetica - Kommunikationsleiter/-in (80-100%)
    Wir suchen eine/-n Kommunikationsleiter/-in (80-100%), idealerweise jemand, der/die bereits cohe Explorer ist. Willst du über die Arbeit von collaboratio helvetica berichten und uns bekannter machen? Lies die Job-Beschreibung und melde dich bis zum 15. Februar bei uns!

  • Check out the News from The Marketplace! Zurich Retreat is looking for engaged people!

    If you also want to share an Opportunity: www.euforia.org/opportunities

Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #4

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  • euforia - TOMORROW: community support event, Zurich
    We’d love to invite you to a first community support event where you can get to know the community imp!act teams and the program as well as enjoy delicious traditional Ethiopian and Sudanese cuisine, cultural music and other activities that demonstrate our respective cultural heritages. The income from the sale of food will be used to cover the costs of the community imp!acts. Check out our invitation and some more detailed information on the program. See you tomorrow!

  • Capacity - Info Session for potential entrepreneurs, mentors, coaches and volunteers

    “We firmly believe in the democratisation of entrepreneurial education and the creation of economic opportunities for all, regardless of gender, nationality, religion, race or socio-economic background." 

    Since 2016, euforia and Capacity, Zürich's first startup incubator for refugees and migrants, collaborated closely to foster radical inclusion in entrepreneurship and beyond. Therefore, we would like to invite you to Capacity's information session for potential entrepreneurs, mentors, coaches and volunteers taking place on the 7th of February from 6-8:30 at the Impact Hub Viadukt, Zürich. Register here.

  • ROCK YOUR LIFE! Schweiz - Trainees im Bereich Projektführung gesucht
    Wir bieten eine vielseitige Tätigkeit, Verantwortung für deinen Standort wobei du erste Führungserfahrung gewinnen kannst. Du hast Gestaltungsfreiheit und Gelegenheit, deine Ideen einzubringen sowie die Möglichkeit, dir ein Netzwerk mit Akteuren aus Bildung, Wirtschaft und öffenlicher Hand aufzubauen. Wir bieten dir die Chance, mit Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen zu arbeiten, einen Traineelohn, Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie Flexibilität hinsichtlich Arbeitszeiten und Arbeitsort. Hier für mehr Information.

  • euforia - unicorn in Lausanne a.k.a projects coordinator & community builder
    We are looking for 1-2 people to join the euforia team as interns. The new euforia unicorn in Lausanne will be part of a five people team working on our youth programmes, and will be working closely with the team for the different programmes and responsibilities. At the same time they will work very independently and will be given responsibilities right from the beginning! See here for more details.

  • collaboratio helvetica - Community Coordinator 60 - 80%
    We are a growing community of people dedicated to collaboration-driven societal change. Through positive dialogue, new forms of collaboration and space for experimentation, we shape the Switzerland we want to live in together.

    We are looking for a community coordinator (60 - 80%) for our community domain. We are building up a community platform where we invite change makers to join spaces for open and deep dialogue, to co-create, develop and maintain sustainable solutions that will transform individuals, organisations and larger ecosystems. We build structures and design processes that allow resources and talents, otherwise confined within organisations, to flow towards collective impact. We create the conditions for learning from and with each other to be able to collectively address the pressing issues and challenges of our times. Find out more here.

  • collaboratio helvetica - Kommunikationsleiter/-in (80-100%)
    Und noch mehr Neuigkeiten: Wir suchen eine/-n Kommunikationsleiter/-in (80-100%), idealerweise jemand, der/die bereits cohe Explorer ist. Willst du über die Arbeit von collaboratio helvetica berichten und uns bekannter machen? Lies die Job-Beschreibung und melde dich bei uns!

  • Project Funding for projects created between 2007 - 2018
    Thanks to a partnership with Tsadik Foundation, euforia is offering funding opportunities to projects created during any euforia event from 2007 to 2018 in Switzerland and abroad. The goal is to support newborn projects through the competition “Enable your vision” as well as projects that have already been existing for a while and might need a little energy boost through the competition “Boost your project”. The jury will allocate the funding available (€ 6000) according to the needs of the projects and the expected effect this funding will have on each of them. Send us your application until January 31st!

  • Check out the News from The Marketplace! Zurich Retreat is looking for engaged people!

    If you also want to share an Opportunity: www.euforia.org/opportunities

Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #3

1 Engagement Opportunities Colored-moved-Balls-Logo_1.png
  • euforia - unicorn in Lausanne a.k.a projects coordinator & community builder
    We are looking for 1-2 people to join the euforia team as interns. The new euforia unicorn in Lausanne will be part of a five people team working on our youth programmes, and will be working closely with the team for the different programmes and responsibilities. At the same time they will work very independently and will be given responsibilities right from the beginning! See here for more details.

  • euforia - community support event, 26.01.2019 Zurich
    For the first time ever, we are organizing community imp!act! Refugees/immigrants face several challenges, among others inclusion to the Swiss society and culture, understanding the system in Switzerland, integrating to the job market and learning the local language. That is why we are committed in supporting refugee/immigrant communities in Zürich to think and act for and by themselves. We’d love to invite you to a first community support event where you can get to know the teams and the program as well as enjoy delicious traditional Ethiopian and Sudanese cuisine, cultural music and other activities that demonstrate our respective cultural heritages. The income from the sale of food will be used to cover the costs of the community imp!acts. Check out our invitation and some more detailed information on the program.

  • collaboratio helvetica - Community Coordinator 60 - 80%
    We are a growing community of people dedicated to collaboration-driven societal change. Through positive dialogue, new forms of collaboration and space for experimentation, we shape the Switzerland we want to live in together.

    We are looking for a community coordinator (60 - 80%) for our community domain. We are building up a community platform where we invite change makers to join spaces for open and deep dialogue, to co-create, develop and maintain sustainable solutions that will transform individuals, organisations and larger ecosystems. We build structures and design processes that allow resources and talents, otherwise confined within organisations, to flow towards collective impact. We create the conditions for learning from and with each other to be able to collectively address the pressing issues and challenges of our times. Find out more here.

  • collaboratio helvetica - Kommunikationsleiter/-in (80-100%)
    Und noch mehr Neuigkeiten: Wir suchen eine/-n Kommunikationsleiter/-in (80-100%), idealerweise jemand, der/die bereits cohe Explorer ist. Willst du über die Arbeit von collaboratio helvetica berichten und uns bekannter machen? Lies die Job-Beschreibung und melde dich bei uns!

  • Project Funding for projects created between 2007 - 2018
    Thanks to a partnership with Tsadik Foundation, euforia is offering funding opportunities to projects created during any euforia event from 2007 to 2018 in Switzerland and abroad. The goal is to support newborn projects through the competition “Enable your vision” as well as projects that have already been existing for a while and might need a little energy boost through the competition “Boost your project”. The jury will allocate the funding available (€ 6000) according to the needs of the projects and the expected effect this funding will have on each of them. Send us your application until January 31st!

the euforic intern journey


Today is the end of my experience as an intern at euforia. The last eight months have been incredibly rewarding. I have learned a lot both professionally and personally.

I discovered a new form of collaboration, without hierarchy, centred on the human and based on self-management. Surrounded by extraordinary colleagues, I have contributed to the organization of about twenty events and trainings.

I am delighted to announce that this adventure at euforia continues. My roles in the organization will evolve. In addition to the coordination of the trainings for individuals, I will work on our marketing strategy and training design for companies and institutions.

I am aware of how fortunate I am to work in an organization that shares my values and my vision of a better world. The impact we are able to create together makes me proud and gives meaning to my daily work.

15.01.2019 - Bruno Patrício


Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #50

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  • Service immobilier (SIMOB) de la direction générale - HOSPICE GENERAL - Recherche d'un Chargé-e de projet à 50% en CDD 24 mois
    Sous la responsabilité du contrôleur de gestion et en étroite collaboration avec la directrice ainsi qu’un mandataire externe, vous organisez, planifiez et coordonnez le projet d’implémentation d’une solution informatique métier pour le service. Pour plus d’information.

  • community imp!act - become a volunt’hero/ine!
    community imp!act, our newest co-creation baby, is a 3 days workshop where communities identify their common challenges, brainstorm solution ideas, put them into concrete action plans and test them right away. Communities have the capacity to respond when they own the issue they struggle with. That capacity remains to be revealed and nurtured. We seek to accompany refugee communities as they go on the path to ownership of their challenges and act upon them.
    Hence, the first community imp!act will be organised by the Sudanese and Ethiopian communities on March 8-10th 2019 in Zurich. We are still searching for amazing volunteers in the areas of event planning & logistics, organising a community fundraising event, preparing the facilitation of the community imp!act etc. Thus, we want to euphorically invite you to support us throughout our journey :) Please contact Haile via Email or phone +41 (0)78 681 43 34.

  • SCI Schweiz - Mitarbeiter/in Finanzen, Mitgliederverwaltung und Administration 50%
    Hast du Erfahrung in der Administration und ein Flair für Zahlen? Bist du ein Organisationstalent und arbeitest gerne selbständig? Sprichst du fliessend Französisch und Deutsch? Dann bewirb dich bis am 16. Dezember 2018! Wir suchen per 1. Mai 2019 oder nach Vereinbarung: Eine/n Mitarbeiter/in Finanzen, Mitgliederverwaltung und Administration 50%. Du bist verantwortlich für die Buchhaltung des SCI, erstellst Zwischen- und Jahresabschlüsse. Ebenfalls gehören die Anstellungs- und Personaladministration zu deinen Aufgaben. Zur Mitglieder- und Datenbankpflege gehören unter anderem die Adressverwaltung der Mitglieder und die Organisation von zweimonatlichen Treffs der Mitglieder im Büro. Du erledigst Vereinsarbeiten, wie die Durchführung der Komiteesitzungen und der Jahresversammlung. Hier zur Stellenausschreibung.

  • DécadréE - Crowdfunding
    Le 26 novembre dernier, DécadréE lançait son manifeste pour un meilleur traitement médiatique des violences sexistes. Les retombées médiatiques et les soutiens furent nombreux! Un succès qui confirme l'importance de sensibiliser les médias aux traitements médiatiques des violences sexistes. 

Pour continuer ce travail, DécadréE a besoin de fond. Nous avons ainsi mis en place une campagne de Crowdfunding avec pour objectif la construction d'un site internet à destination des journalistes. 

Afin de que cette campagne soit un succès nous avons besoin de ton soutien! Tu peux donner à hauteur de tes moyens et surtout partager afin que la campagne touche le plus de monde possible ! Lien vers la campagne! D'avance un grand merci pour ta participation !

  • euforia - Project Funding for projects created between 2007 - 2018
    Thanks to a partnership with Tsadik Foundation, euforia is offering funding opportunities to projects created during any euforia event from 2007 to 2018 in Switzerland and abroad. The goal is to support newborn projects through the competition “Enable your vision” as well as projects that have already been existing for a while and might need a little energy boost through the competition “Boost your project”. The jury will allocate the funding available (€ 6000) according to the needs of the projects and the expected effect this funding will have on each of them. Here to the Call for Action.

You want to share your opportunities with our community? Click here.

Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #49

1 Engagement Opportunities Colored-moved-Balls-Logo_1.png
  • community imp!act - become a volunt’hero/ine!
    community imp!act, our newest co-creation baby, is a 3 days workshop where communities identify their common challenges, brainstorm solution ideas, put them into concrete action plans and test them right away. Communities have the capacity to respond when they own the issue they struggle with. That capacity remains to be revealed and nurtured. We seek to accompany refugee communities as they go on the path to ownership of their challenges and act upon them.
    Hence, the first community imp!act will be organised by the Sudanese and Ethiopian communities on March 8-10th 2019 in Zurich. We are still searching for amazing volunteers in the areas of event planning & logistics, organising a community fundraising event, preparing the facilitation of the community imp!act etc. Thus, we want to euphorically invite you to support us throughout our journey :) Please contact Haile via Email or phone +41 (0)78 681 43 34.

  • euforia - paid translation gig English - German
    We seek someone who can translate our amazing facilitation handbook from English into German which is around 50 pages long. You are a skilled translator? You want to learn about facilitation methods while translating? Then please contact Magdalena.

  • SCI Schweiz - Mitarbeiter/in Finanzen, Mitgliederverwaltung und Administration 50%
    Hast du Erfahrung in der Administration und ein Flair für Zahlen? Bist du ein Organisationstalent und arbeitest gerne selbständig? Sprichst du fliessend Französisch und Deutsch? Dann bewirb dich bis am 16. Dezember 2018! Wir suchen per 1. Mai 2019 oder nach Vereinbarung: Eine/n Mitarbeiter/in Finanzen, Mitgliederverwaltung und Administration 50%. Du bist verantwortlich für die Buchhaltung des SCI, erstellst Zwischen- und Jahresabschlüsse. Ebenfalls gehören die Anstellungs- und Personaladministration zu deinen Aufgaben. Zur Mitglieder- und Datenbankpflege gehören unter anderem die Adressverwaltung der Mitglieder und die Organisation von zweimonatlichen Treffs der Mitglieder im Büro. Du erledigst Vereinsarbeiten, wie die Durchführung der Komiteesitzungen und der Jahresversammlung. Hier zur Stellenausschreibung.

  • DécadréE - Crowdfunding
    Le 26 novembre dernier, DécadréE lançait son manifeste pour un meilleur traitement médiatique des violences sexistes. Les retombées médiatiques et les soutiens furent nombreux! Un succès qui confirme l'importance de sensibiliser les médias aux traitements médiatiques des violences sexistes. 

Pour continuer ce travail, DécadréE a besoin de fond. Nous avons ainsi mis en place une campagne de Crowdfunding avec pour objectif la construction d'un site internet à destination des journalistes. 

Afin de que cette campagne soit un succès nous avons besoin de ton soutien! Tu peux donner à hauteur de tes moyens et surtout partager afin que la campagne touche le plus de monde possible ! Lien vers la campagne! D'avance un grand merci pour ta participation !

  • euforia - Project Funding for projects created between 2007 - 2018
    Thanks to a partnership with Tsadik Foundation, euforia is offering funding opportunities to projects created during any euforia event from 2007 to 2018 in Switzerland and abroad. The goal is to support newborn projects through the competition “Enable your vision” as well as projects that have already been existing for a while and might need a little energy boost through the competition “Boost your project”. The jury will allocate the funding available (€ 6000) according to the needs of the projects and the expected effect this funding will have on each of them. Here to the Call for Action.

  • euforia - End of the Year Party, Geneva
    Partyyy. Lots of events took place, new inspiring projects were developed, new people joining our community, our others keeping the euforia spirit alive,... We believe, this is more than reason enough to celebrate! So let's toast to a wonderful year before we all get lost in holidays! Looking forward to seeing you all in Geneva. Please indicate if you want to join on Facebook.

You want to share your opportunities with our community? Click here.

Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #48

1 Engagement Opportunities Colored-moved-Balls-Logo_1.png
  • euforia - Project Funding for projects created between 2007 - 2018
    Thanks to a partnership with Tsadik Foundation, euforia is offering funding opportunities to projects created during any euforia event from 2007 to 2018 in Switzerland and abroad. The goal is to support newborn projects through the competition “Enable your vision” as well as projects that have already been existing for a while and might need a little energy boost through the competition “Boost your project”. The jury will allocate the funding available (€ 6000) according to the needs of the projects and the expected effect this funding will have on each of them. Here to the Call for Action.

  • Singa - Factory Final Event 2018
    Join us to celebrate the second cohort of SINGApreneurs as they pitch their businesses and projects for the first time! What to expect? Inspiring keynote speakers from refugee and migrant backgrounds, quick fire pitches and Q&A, networking with our partners and a delicious Apéro Riche by SINGApreneur Smriti Chhabra. The SINGA Factory is a 6 month startup program for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds who want to start a business in Switzerland.
    Please sign up to attend SINGA’s biggest event of the year! Here for more information.

  • nowornow - Learning Facilitation Online Training
    Learning Facilitation draws on contemporary theories of learning, which stress both the need for personalization and the need for community in learning. On the basis of a framework of competences, participants chose and pursue their own learning goals with the support of a Learning Facilitator and their peers. The methodology combines self-driven learning with strong personal connections and community hosting to enable deep, individual and yet shared learning experiences for every participant. Click here for more information.

  • euforia - Silent Disco, 07.12.2018
    The year is coming to an end… Numerous events were organised by our two communities and countless hours were invested by our volunteers to get a step closer to the vision of a more sustainable society full of changemakers. This must be celebrated! Before the "step into action" headphones say goodbye to start their Christmas hibernation, they pamper us again on three channels with the finest sound. Come to the first Silent Disco and let the year end with us! Check it out and come celebrate with us.

  • euforia - End of the Year Party
    Partyyy. Lots of events took place, new inspiring projects were developed, new people joining our community, our others keeping the euforia spirit alive,... We believe, this is more than reason enough to celebrate! So let's toast to a wonderful year before we all get lost in holidays! Looking forward to seeing you all in Geneva. Please indicate if you want to join on Facebook.

  • allrights - Einladung Vernissage interkulturelle Kunstausstellung im Naturama Aarau
    Während vier Monaten werden junge Leute Kunst erschaffen - diese Kunst ist ein Mittel der interkulturellen Vermittlung, denn im Kunstworkshop ART2action kommen Personen mit und ohne Fluchterfahrung zusammen. Das Tolle ist die öffentliche Würdigung dieser Arbeiten am 31. Januar 2019 mit der Vernissage und anschliessender Ausstellung im Naturhistorischen Museum Naturama Aarau bis zum 03. Februar 2019. Hier für mehr Informationen.

You want to share your opportunities with our community? Click here.

imp!act Île-de-France - un avant et un après

Photo noeud imp!act IdF - oct 2018 (1).jpg

Article Imp!act – Virginie Calmettes

Hé, toi ! oui toi ! Toi qui te sens un peu paumé dans ta vie, toi qui aimerais trouver un sens dans ce que tu fais, toi qui aimerais te sentir utile à la société ou toi qui aimes juste fréquenter des personnes inspirantes et vivre des expériences pour te booster dans ton quotidien, c’est bien à toi que je parle !

J’étais comme toi il y a quelques semaines, puis j’ai vécu imp!act ! Il y a eu un avant et un après !

Laisse-moi te raconter.

Après 6 ans d’études je me suis retrouvée en marketing dans l’industrie pharmaceutique. Pour être honnête avec toi je ne sais même pas trop comment ça s’est passé, on avance d’année en année, on se spécialise, on suit notre orientation et puis on se retrouve en poste à un endroit. Sauf que tu y es sans vraiment y être, dans le sens où ton cœur lui, n’y est pas.

C’est le genre de moment où tu te dis qu’il serait peut-être temps de te poser les bonnes questions. Alors tu commences à te renseigner, regarder autour de toi, partir avec conviction à la recherche d’un sens… Mais tu tournes vite en rond, et tu termines ta quête sans beaucoup plus d’idées de vers où t’orienter et encore moins comment.

Tu te sens comme dans un tunnel d’où tu peux certes avancer et reculer, mais où tu ne peux plus changer de direction.

Et puis un jour quelqu’un m’a dit : « Ce qu’il te manque c’est l’inspiration, et surtout le passage à l’action.

Il m’a alors parlé d’imp!act, un évènement qui rassemble un groupe de jeunes pour s’éveiller ensemble aux enjeux sociétaux et passer à l’action de manière concrète.

Je n’ai pas réfléchi bien longtemps et j’ai signé.

Le jour 1 je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre, je me retrouvais dans une salle avec une trentaine d’inconnus qui ne savent pas beaucoup mieux ce qu’ils font réellement ici.

Puis les facilitateurs prennent la parole et nous explique ce qu’est imp!act, ce qu’on fait là. Qu’on allait à travers des méthodes de développement personnel prendre conscience des combats pour lesquels on a envie de s’engager, et collectivement, créer des projets concrets, réalisables et pertinents pour répondre aux enjeux sociétaux…

Rien que ça me direz-vous, c’est ce qu’on s’est tous dit.

Mais on a accepté de lâcher prise, de nous laisser guider par cette équipe de facilitateurs.

Et devinez quoi ? Et bien ils avaient raison.

En seulement trois jours nous avons compris ce qui nous touchait vraiment personnellement, cette mission qui était en phase avec nos valeurs, nos passions et pour laquelle nous avions de réelles compétences à mettre à profit. Et avons développé des projets en découlant, particulièrement aboutis.

Plus important encore, nous avons créé une communauté inspirante d’acteurs du changement, et d’une bienveillance étonnante, qui continue de nous porter malgré nos retours respectifs au quotidien.

Je ne vous en dirai volontairement pas plus parce qu’il est important, pour vivre cette expérience, de se laisser guider au fur et à mesure en acceptant de ne rien prévoir ni anticiper.

Mais je vous invite vivement à vivre ces trois jours hors du temps qui, je vous assure, vous feront un bien incommensurable.

Signée, une personne regonflée à bloc et pleine de conviction pour le monde de demain à l’issu de la session Imp!act France Octobre 2018.

Virginie Calmettes, 23.11.2018
