You recently discovered the health benefits of singing and dancing and you are wondering why people are still walking in the street rather than taking a moon walk to work. Talking about it has inspired one or two of your friends to shake their limbs more often and now you decide it is time to inspire a larger audience. You call your friends and you conspire on an easy and simple to share choreography that you can teach to 10 more friends. You agree on a time and at which you can show up in a public space blast your favourite song, kick off your dancing, singing, limb shaking choreography together and inspire as many people around you to sing and dance along. Your video savvy friends capture the action that later in the day goes viral online. You have successfully reached your objective of bringing the health benefits of singing and dancing to a larger crowd, had fun in the process, practiced radical collaboration skills with your friends and a bunch of strangers who are now friends in dancing singing spirit. In order to replicate in the future, here the small flashmob recepy:
1. Pick something you want to make visible (benefit of hugging, recycling garbage, planting flowers in the city)
2. Rally up a group of friends.
3. Decide on a choreography, course of action.
4. Agree on a time and public place in which you can meet and kick off your routine.
5. Meet and at the agreed time give your all – blast the music, plant trees and flowers, yarn bomb a statue – you name it.
6. Make a movie to document and share.
7. Celebrate your awesomeness and debrief with your friends.