the unleash project – insights from the kick-off weekend

We sense there are more fulfilling ways of working at the personal, team, institutional and societal level. We want to explore together the attitudes, skills, knowledge needed to create new ways of working for the 21st century. This is why we developed the unleash project, an open source, transformative, cross-sectoral and experience-driven learning program that empowers people to thrive in the paradigm shift of work of the 21st century.

Last weekend, we started with the first session of the unleash project. About 50 people from different sectors (NGOs, Social Businesses, Co-Working spaces, etc.) came together and explored the attitudes, skills and knowledge it takes to move from careers to vocation. The goal of this kick-off was to dive into the topic, the euforia methodology and to co-create the program that will follow in the first half of 2017.

Thomas Vellacott, CEO of WWF and the changemaker and HR specialist Carine Leuthold gave valuable inputs to different questions: Why is a paradigm shift needed in organizations and the society? What trends are coming up in the working environment? What new capabilities do current and tomorrow’s leaders need? In a World Café we discussed possible answers and solutions.

Moreover, we gained deeper understanding about the different paradigms of organizational thinking with the most current one emerging: Teal Organizations. We learned how to work effectively without hierarchical structure and to see organizations as living organisms where the wholeness of individuals at work and Self-Management are in the center.

Different concepts and their implementation
During these two days we experienced the different methodologies we use at euforia, mainly the Theory of Group Dynamics from Will Schutz (FIRO), the PEMS model which helps us to approach the needs of different kinds of personalities (Practical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual) from Daniel Sa Nogueira, Radical Collaboration from Tamm and Luyet or the concept of Experiential Learning. We experimented those and other concepts with facilitation, coaching and deep listening exercises.

We also treated the importance of wellbeing and purpose. We are convinced that personal wellbeing and an intrinsic motivation are crucial to flourish at the workplace. This topic goes beyond a good work-life-balance: it’s about seeing ourselves as part of an ecosystem where not only our personal wellbeing matters, but also the interpersonal relations and values are central. Greta Rossi from Akasha Innovation introduced us to the tool “The wheel of Life” with which we analyzed our personal wellbeing and dived deeper into the subject matter with a peer-to-peer coaching session.

In the evening, Tariq Al Olaimy hold a Share & Grow Night about Biomimicry, an approach to innovation that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by emulating nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies.

And now? The future of the unleash project
With all those insights in mind, we co-shaped the future of the unleash project. Find here the program of our weekends in January, February, March and May.

We are extremely touched and grateful for these two days and want to thank everybody for collaborating, engaging and being fully present! We’re looking forward to having you all again in the January weekend and also welcoming new faces!

Find all information about the coming sessions and the registration form here.

Join our imp!act teams Geneva or Zurich!

Last weekend, our new imp!act teams Geneva, Zurich and St.Gallen met for the first time at the (r)evolution lab main training weekend and started working on their imp!act events for spring 2017. The teams are super motivated and have already developed great ideas to make imp!act happen successfully in the three cities. However: they're looking for support! imp!act teams Geneva and Zurich are still looking for team members who participate at (r)evolution lab and gain there the skills to co-organize the imp!act events.

The (r)evolution lab is a space where you can connect with like-minded people for an innovative and experiential learning journey towards the organization of your own imp!act event in April/May 2017. It allows you to share, learn and experiment a wide range of highly professionally valued skills and knowledge, such as team and project management, leadership, facilitation and wellbeing strategies. Within the RevLab you also experience a different kind of working culture based on co-creation, radical collaboration, pushing boundaries and euforias oooops-culture (daring to try and fail).

The next trainings are from 3-5 February 2017 and 10-12 March 2017. In between, the teams meet regularly in order to prepare their imp!act event.

Interested? Get in touch with us on!

(r)evolution lab: The first Main Training weekend in Bern

After almost a year of online meetings, co-creation sessions and reflections, the first training weekend of euforia's new (r)evolution lab eventually took place.

The (r)evolution lab was conceived on the same idea as the former eTP (euforia Training Programme), namely empowering youths to organise their own imp!act event. However, the new programme has more to offer than project management and facilitation session; it fosters participants’ personal development and wellbeing management. The new (r)evolution lab also aimed at going beyond imp!act and fully integrating STEP into action. Through our well-established “train-the-trainers” approach, STEP into action volunteers are empowered to scale our large-scale event targeting high-school pupils.

On 25 November twelve participants from across Switzerland attended the very first (r)evolution lab training weekend. After introductory sessions, team building activities and a short presentation of the imp!act and STEP into action programme flows, participants got involved in practical workshops and built their city teams. We can already look forward to three teams organising imp!act in Geneva, St. Gallen and Zurich in spring, and two teams getting started for STEP into Action 2017 to take place in Bern and Geneva next fall.

After this first training weekend, participants will put their learnings into practice and continue working together. They will meet again for two in-person trainings on personal development and outreach (3-5 February) and on facilitation (10-12 March).

If you couldn’t attend the first training but feel intrigued and would like to step in, please get in touch! imp!act teams Geneva and Zurich are still looking for motivated team members. Email to know more.


My experience with euforia: Lorenz

Lorenz is one of our volunteers and organized imp!act Bern in autumn 2016.

Wie bist du zu euforia gestossen?
Ich bin in 2014 durch einen Freund auf euforia gestossen. Ich war dabei für eine andere Organisation Flyer zu verteilen und habe meinen Freund angetroffen, der mir einen imp!act Flyer zeigte.  Der Flyer hat mich sofort angesprochen. Ich wollte schon immer etwas zur Gesellschaft beitragen und mithelfen, die Zukunft zu gestallten. Ich war zwar schon involviert, aber ich hatte das Bedürfnis noch viel mehr zu bewirken. Ich habe mich also sofort angemeldet und habe es nie bereut.

Welche Rolle hast du bei Euforia?
Ich habe als imp!act Teilnehmer begonnen. Ich empfand es als ein sehr einschneidendes Erlebnis. Ich habe viele Leute getroffen, die ähnliche Ziele im Leben hatten und in die gleiche Richtung wollten. Durch euforia bin ich in ein Netzwerk von involvierten Menschen in Bern und schweizweit gekommen. Nach meiner Teilnahme bin ich informiert geblieben,  hatte jedoch eher eine passive Rolle. Ich habe später noch bei einem, durch imp!act organisierten, Mentoring Projekt mit Manager von Swisscom teilgenommen und nebenbei noch ein paar eigene Projekte organisiert. Seit dem Frühjahr bin ich wieder aktiver bei euforia dabei und habe selber begonnen, einen imp!act zu organisieren, da ich unbedingt mehr Leute mit diesem coolen Projekt erreichen will. Es ist sehr interessant und anspruchsvoll, in einem Team auf freiwilliger Basis zu arbeiten. Ich habe definitiv viel dabei gelernt. Momentan kreiere ich auch ein Video, um mehr Berner zu motivieren beim imp!act mitzumachen. Die Idee ist, dass im Video ehemalige Teilnehmer und andere involvierte die Zuschauer dazu auffordern auch mitzumachen.

Welche wertvolle Fähigkeiten hast du bei euforia gelernt und wie kannst du diese ausserhalb von euforia anwenden?
Ich habe gelernt, nicht zu verurteilen. Es was so genial, andere Menschen kennenzulernen, die vielleicht ganz anders sind als ich, aber trotzdem ähnliche Ziele haben. Ich habe gelernt, offen zu sein für andere und deren Ideen. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass man die Vorstellungen von anderen nicht verurteilt. Jeder ist am motiviertesten, wenn er seine eigene Vision umsetzen kann. Das darf man auf keinen Fall zerstören. euforia hat mir auch im Bereich Kommunikation viel beigebracht und ich bin dadurch selbstsicherer geworden. Durch euforia bin ich auch mehr zum „Macher“ geworden. Früher war ich immer mehr ein Kopfmensch. euforia hat mir gezeigt, wie ich mehr proaktiv werden kann.

Was machst du ausserhalb von euforia?
Ich habe gerade mein BWL Studium abgeschlossen. Momentan mache ich ein Praktikum bei Credit Suisse, im Bereich KMU und Start-up Beratung. Wir unterstützen Start-ups bei der Gründung und regeln den Zahlungsverkehr für kleine und mittelgrosse Unternehmen.

Gefällt es dir für eine grosse Bank zu arbeiten?
Es ist genial. Wir helfen Menschen dabei, ihre Unternehmen zu gründen, ihre Träume umzusetzen und die Zukunft mitzugestalten. Ich erfahre jeden Tag, welche zentrale Funktion Banken in unserer Gesellschaft übernehmen. Dazu kommt, dass die anderen Mitarbeiter super sind.

Was wäre deine Traumrolle/beruf?
Meine Kariere ist für mich nicht klar vordefiniert. Ich weiss einfach, dass ich andauernd Neues lernen will. Ich würde gerne andere positiv beeinflussen, egal auf welche Art und Weise. Mein Ziel wäre, mal selbständig zu werden.

Welches globale Problem bewegt dich am meisten?
Mich bewegt die grosse Ungleichheit unserer Gesellschaft sehr. Es beschäftigt mich, wie sie zustande gekommen ist und wie man sie lösen könnte.

Hast du eine Theorie, wie es zu dieser Ungleichheit gekommen ist?
Ein wichtiger Faktor ist, dass die Theorie der trickle-down economics nur teilweise in der Realität zu beobachten ist. Viel mehr zeigen die Daten in vielen Fällen, dass eine freie Marktwirtschaft zu höherer ökonomischer Ungleichheit führt. Ich finde es aber schwierig, abzuwägen, wo und wie stark der Staat involviert sein soll. Grundsätzlich würde ich mich als eher liberal bezeichnen und glaube an die Freiheit des Menschen. Ich finde es wichtig, dass jeder Eigenverantwortung trägt. Andererseits sind die MöglichkeitenSelbstverantwortung zu übernehmen und etwas zu erreichen davon abhängig in welchem Umfeld man aufwächst und mit welchen Ressourcen man ausgestattet ist. Ich sehe es als unwahrscheinlich, dass wir eine globale Lösung für solche Problemstellungen finden. Viel mehr glaube ich daran, dass wir diese Probleme im kleineren Raumen adressieren müssen. Viele sehen die massiven Probleme, glauben nicht an eine Lösung und geben auf. Deswegen ist es wichtig zu realisieren, dass man durchaus im kleineren Positives erreichen kann. Wie gross diese Bewegung dann wird, kann man sich vielleicht nicht vorstellen. Beispiel: euforia.

Wie würdest Veränderung in der Schweiz anpacken?
Ich würde bei der Bildung beginnen und das Schulsystem neu ausrichten. Es ist bedauerlich, dass das Wort Fehler in unserer Gesellschaft so negativ geprägt ist. Ich hatte beispielsweise als Schüler das Gefühl, dass mein Englisch schlecht wäre, da ich immer nur auf meine Fehler hingewiesen wurde. Als ich aber nach der Matur auf Australien gereist bin, wurde mir bewusst, dass ich durchaus kommunizieren konnte! Man bekommt ein ganz anderes Selbstbewusstsein, wenn man sich darauf fokussiert, was man kann, anstatt was man nicht kann. Deshalb muss sich das Schulsystem von Fehler-fokussierten lernen entfernen und danach streben, die Schüler zu ermächtigen. Dabei sollte meiner Meinung nach neben dem Vermitteln von Wissen vermehrt auch die Förderung von Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstverantwortung und Kreativität gefordert werden. Das Bildungssystem sollte dem Motto folgen: Expert ist jemand, der auf einem kleinen Fachgebiet alle Fehler bereits gemacht hat. Nehmt Risiko, macht Fehler und gestaltet mit!

Wieso ist deiner Meinung nach euforia so erfolgreich?
Erfolgreich ist etwas, das auf eine Nachfrage stosst. euforia zapft ein grosses Verlangen der heutigen Generation an, Einfluss zu nehmen und etwas zu bewirken. Es gibt viele, die gerne etwas verändern würden, aber sich noch nicht dazu fähig fühlen, oder nicht das richtige Netzwerk dafür haben. Ich glaube Euforia hat noch extrem viel Potential auszuschöpfen. Im heutigen System – vor allem in der Politik – werden Entscheidungen sehr langsam getroffen. Wenn Menschen zusammengebracht werden, können sie gemeinsam und effizient Entscheidungen treffen und dabei realisieren, dass man nicht auf das formelle Entscheidungssystem warten muss. Wir sind selber mächtig!

Connection Zero Field Zürich

>>> Invitation by euforia and

The Connection ‘Zero Field’ is going to enchant the Kaufleuten Zurich, Monday, 28th November 2016, at 20.00h! Doors open at 19.30, 22.30 end of the conference.

Why you shouldn't miss this event?

Because on that evening in the Kaufleuten will be told, what’s life really about, and YOU’RE MOST WELCOMED TO JOIN!

Short, exciting interventions of people who have gone to the bottom of the question of their essence are going to share their answers generously with our audience.

DIETER BROERS is a gifted bio-physician, author and life artist. He himself developed 100 patents for healing and free energy, proving scientifically where we stand with our earth today, and what our great chances are to live right now!

VERA BRANDES, worked for a long time in the music industry, before she devoted herself 100% to the healing of the people through music medicine. Her scientific research results go under the skin and the success against depression, sleep disorders, and body curings through music are resounding!

We are speaking of a VINCENT MUNIER, an extraordinary photographer out of France, who shows us the world through his photographs and encounters with animals from the most lost corners of our world, from where man has forgotten to live. Get ready for of a proper dose of nostalgia and a deep dive into your innermost self.

Furthermore, MERCY SHIPS presents us the grace they are experiencing each time when their doctors and nurses bring back to life patients through their attention, love and surgeries. People,living in the shadow of their villages, who are often excluded from their communities due to their fearful tumours,

NICOLAS MÜLLER has always been a snowboarding idol. Ever since, he has lived the life he always wanted, and has become a fantastic model for a whole generation of young people. Fruition reflects his authentic career, and at the same time the generation Y!

BAPTISTE DELALAY has been linked to the wheelchair for five years, but he has such a presence and radiates such a love that we believe him when he says that his accident had to be, so that he can help bring the the beauty of people who appear to be different into daylight!

FABRICE LECLERC is an ethical innovator. He says that the secret of all change is not to focus all our energies on fostering the old, but to build a positive ‘new’ for all. Fabrice worked with Steve Jobs for 4 years, and advises large corporations and companies on ethical and sustainable questions.

Our enchanting AURELIA is going to accompany us with her partner RICHARD at the piano throughout the evening… When she sings, time stops, and she offers us her whole being! … Aurélia is pure magic and beauty in person!

The evening goes on with DJG96 …

In collaboration with our highly esteemed partners: Swisscom, Henniez, euforia, wemakeit, NiceFuture, Discover Earth, Impact Hub Zurich.

Sign in HERE.

"Keep going and believe in the good. Then everything will be all right".


How did you become aware of euforia and why did you join?

I’ve always enjoyed thinking about profound topics and what is happening around me, constantly asking the question "Why?".

In 2015 I met a girl and we had a deep conversation about our society. She then told me about euforia and imp!act, suggesting that I join. She said it would provide me with the opportunity not only to talk about these topics but to develop solutions. I joined straight away with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement.


What role do you have at euforia? What did you learn thanks to euforia?

I started off as an imp!act participant and then proceeded to organise an imp!act myself. This was an amazing experience but I must admit that it was also a struggle. I was absorbed by the euphoric atmosphere and the feeling of infinite possibilities. We had a vision of this amazing, inspiring workshop we would create. However, we underestimated how much hard work was required.

I had to learn to hand over control. I was unaware that I was such a control freak! I had this image in my head of how everything should be, this perfect imp!act where everyone is happy and super enthusiastic. And I wanted the actual event to mirror this image. I ended up doing a lot of work myself rather than delegating it. I was overwhelmed.

At the imp!act workshop I realised how much pressure I had put myself under and, ironically, I was not in the right mindset to enjoy it. Of course it was an amazing workshop, but I could only see the imperfections.

Through this experience I acquired experience in conflict solving and communication. I’ve also learnt to listen to others and to understand others, and realised how important it is to be honest to oneself.

At the moment I’m training those who are organising imp!act Bern this fall.


What do you believe is euforia’s key to success?

Its holistic approach. You can be who you are and instantly feel accepted and significant.


Could you put your experience at euforia in one sentence?

Everything is possible for those with the courage to try.


What do you do outside the scope of euforia?

I discontinued my studies in international management a while ago, as I wasn’t happy with them. I felt I was consuming random information that was not valuable to me.

At the moment I am doing an internship with a start up called We Act. We Act is a platform that, through gamification provides people with valuable skills to live sustainably. Companies or universities form teams and enter a 3-week competition, during which they set sustainable goals for themselves. These can be eating vegetarian, going to work/uni by bike, taking shorter showers, or avoiding food waste. The winner gets a prize and everyone receives a certificate stating how much CO2 they reduced.

When people think of saving our planet they tend to imagine huge, insurmountable steps, but we can actually achieve a lot by changing our lifestyles. And these changes need not be radical.


How do you see your career path proceeding after your internship?

I am in a reorientation phase at the moment. Aside from my internship I do self-studying – I love reading –  and want to experience different fields because everything is connected and I find it important to have a holistic view.

In order to find solutions to the problems we face we need to gain understanding, acceptance and tolerance for others, and find a way to collaborate in order to tackle today’s challenges. In fact, while it’s easy to point fingers and blame others, it’s on us to find solutions.


You mentioned that you enjoy reading. What books do you enjoy?

I mainly read non-fiction. I like to read on psychology, economics, evolution, biology, physics, and spirituality. At the moment I am reading Ken Wilber’s book ‘Logos, Eros and Cosmos’. It addresses several different topics and cites many other authors. I would highly recommend it.


Which global issue are you most passionate about?

I am passionate about the well being of human beings. I believe you have to start from within, with your personal well being. The most destructive thing is externalised frustration, anger or hatred. If we are uncomfortable with ourselves we may well end up starting destroying our environment. Our reality reflects how we feel inside. If we feel despair, despair is what we will perceive and project around us. Therefore, if we want to create a loving, peaceful environment we need to start from within.

Currently, I am building my ‘muscles’ through reading and varied experiences so that hopefully in the future I can contribute to this passion.


Do you have anything to add?

Keep going and believe in the good. Then everything will be all right.

Welcome Manon!

Hi all,

My name is Manon and I am the new booster of the heartbeat circle. After more than one year of full energizing volunteer's experience, I have now the opportunity to merge my master internship with a new role within the euforia organisation.

I am currently doing a master degree in Standardization, social regulation and sustainable development at the University of Geneva. I recently found a passion fusioning all my solution-oriented dedication/contribution at euforia with what I am studying: organizational management. My main task during the next 4 month at euforia will be to design better guidelines to ensure a real working culture based on self-management. In addition to that, I have the project to do my master thesis on euforia's organizational model to show how, according to me, euforia is building a new theoretical model (mix of hierarchic, holocratic and other management models). Therefore, I am really excited to live this four next month, to finally be part of the team and to discover the working culture of euforia from inside.

Last words: I consider myself as a euforia's baby. What does that mean? Recently I sort of gave birth to myself and finally found my purpose of life. It is largely due to my experience within euforia. My values and motos are therefore quite alined with euforian's: self-awareness, tolerance, wealth of diversity, trust in the process (life, self, others), dare to try and to fail, fun AND SIMPLICITY!

“I truly experienced the power of purpose”

Two weeks ago, we had the chance to hold two workshops at the International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Laax: the so called “Forum Event” with a World Café for 300 young people from all over Europe and a 2 hours imp!act workshop with 30 participants. Moreover, we presented our programs at the “Ideas, Opportunity, Impact Fair (IOIF)”, together with other NGOs and organizations. Mahaut was part of the amazing organizing team and shares her personal insights on this 2-days-journey we did together.

I joined Laax 2016, because every time I thought about this International Session of EYP, my heart started beating faster. I deeply felt inside of me that I had to be part of this. That something in me was connected to it. With a mixture of chance, passion and will, I started working with euforia on the projects of the Forum Event, the IOIF and the imp!act Workshop.

I spent so many hours thinking about my personal purpose. I spent so many hours asking myself the question: Why do I want to put so much effort in it? I spent so many hours on skype, trying to link our purpose with the complicated reality.

One of my main goals for the event was to help participants answer the question: What do you truly care about?

During the imp!act workshop, we had the opportunity to think about our passions, our values and our strengths. We went deep into ourselves and discovered in each other much more than any of us thought was possible. I cannot express how privileged I feel for having shared a magical moment with all participants during that workshop.

When details get into the way of the things you truly believe in, everything seems impossible. But as we have seen at the imp!act workshop with the challenge “Mission Impossible” and as our head-organizer Nora cited Nelson Mandela during her beautiful speech: “It always seems impossible until it is done.”

And for me, now it is done. The Forum Event went incredibly well. The IOIF was a success. The imp!act Workshop was a sublime moment.

It is difficult to express my feelings now, after the event. A mixture of pride, relief and incredulity. For the past weeks, I truly experienced the power of purpose. Of will. Of listening. Of finding what you truly care about and giving it all you have.

I hope that we all find our own purpose. That we take the time to reflect on the issues that deeply move us. That we dare to go beyond theoretical discussions and that we start acting.

Mahaut, 18, from Geneva