Gratitude Notebook

>>> Invitation by Egle Paulauskaite

Are you a young product/graphic designer looking to kick-start your career with agreat project?

What we are looking for: GRATITUDE NOTEBOOK is the new edition of Gratitude Journal, a noteboo to practice mindfulness and gratitude. It goes global and needs a brand new logo, a cover design and design of the pages ready to be sent to a publisher. Elegance, quality and style are key. Content available.

What we are offering: Opportunity to design and publish a product with your name on it; Reference letter signed by the project creator to confirm your ability to create exclusive design of a product that is sold Europe-wide; 3x GRATITUDE NOTEBOOKS to be proud of, to add to your portfolio and to demonstrate to your next client or employer.

Product Description: GRATITUDE NOTEBOOK is a personal diary for everyday that helps develop and flourish the attitude of gratitude which ultimately leads to a more positive, happier and fulfilled life.

Product Concept: GRATITUDE NOTEBOOK owner spends about 3-5min per day to think and reflect on what is s/he grateful for. It’s a self-empowerment tool to practice awareness, start noticing, listing and appreciating beautiful things in life. And sharing them!

GRATITUDE is the attitude of successful people. For her & for him. And you can be the designer of the this gratitude tool, the GRATITUDE NOTEBOOK.


Rencontres Régionales

>>> Invitation by Codap (Centre de conseils et d'appui pour les jeunes en matière de droits de l'homme)

T'es jeune, engagé-e ou tu souhaites t'engager? T'as une idée de projet ou d'action?
Tu te demandes comment rendre ton dossier de recherche de fonds attractif ?
Recruter des participant-e-s pour un événement pas toujours très évident pour toi?
Sensibiliser le public à une cause qui te touche, oui mais comment?
Faire le buzz sur les réseaux sociaux, par où commencer?
La communication au sein d'une équipe, pas toujours facile?

Envie d'avoir une réponse à toutes ces questions. Alors rejoins-nous les 12 et 13 novembre prochains pour les Rencontres Régionales.
2 jours de formation pour te former à l'art subtile de la communication et rencontrer d'autres jeunes de la région qui s'engagent ou souhaitent s'engager. Les ateliers seront animé-e-s par des experts du domaine ainsi que des bénévoles Codap. Rejoins-nous sur notre page Facebook pour les découvrir dès le 3 novembre.

Facebook event:

“I truly experienced the power of purpose”

Two weeks ago, we had the chance to hold two workshops at the International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Laax: the so called “Forum Event” with a World Café for 300 young people from all over Europe and a 2 hours imp!act workshop with 30 participants. Moreover, we presented our programs at the “Ideas, Opportunity, Impact Fair (IOIF)”, together with other NGOs and organizations. Mahaut was part of the amazing organizing team and shares her personal insights on this 2-days-journey we did together.

I joined Laax 2016, because every time I thought about this International Session of EYP, my heart started beating faster. I deeply felt inside of me that I had to be part of this. That something in me was connected to it. With a mixture of chance, passion and will, I started working with euforia on the projects of the Forum Event, the IOIF and the imp!act Workshop.

I spent so many hours thinking about my personal purpose. I spent so many hours asking myself the question: Why do I want to put so much effort in it? I spent so many hours on skype, trying to link our purpose with the complicated reality.

One of my main goals for the event was to help participants answer the question: What do you truly care about?

During the imp!act workshop, we had the opportunity to think about our passions, our values and our strengths. We went deep into ourselves and discovered in each other much more than any of us thought was possible. I cannot express how privileged I feel for having shared a magical moment with all participants during that workshop.

When details get into the way of the things you truly believe in, everything seems impossible. But as we have seen at the imp!act workshop with the challenge “Mission Impossible” and as our head-organizer Nora cited Nelson Mandela during her beautiful speech: “It always seems impossible until it is done.”

And for me, now it is done. The Forum Event went incredibly well. The IOIF was a success. The imp!act Workshop was a sublime moment.

It is difficult to express my feelings now, after the event. A mixture of pride, relief and incredulity. For the past weeks, I truly experienced the power of purpose. Of will. Of listening. Of finding what you truly care about and giving it all you have.

I hope that we all find our own purpose. That we take the time to reflect on the issues that deeply move us. That we dare to go beyond theoretical discussions and that we start acting.

Mahaut, 18, from Geneva

Participate to the next Thought For Food Challenge

>>> Invitation by Thought For Food

University students (undergrad, grad, PhD) from around the world are invited to participate in the TFF Challenge to develop their ideas on how to feed 9+ billion people by the year 2050. By November 30st, teams simply have to register at to take part. Once they are registered, teams have access to mentors and tools like our online Design Thinking Lab to help develop their ideas into a project. Ten projects will then be selected for startup training and support in the TFF Bootcamp, with a chance to win $25,000 in prizes and the opportunity to pitch their new venture live in front of investors, industry leaders, and entrepreneurs in the food and ag space. Participants must register for the Challenge by November 30st, with final Pitches due on January 8, 2017. The TFF Bootcamp will run from February until May (online), with a 1 week in person training session the week leading up to the TFF Global Summit, which will be held in Europe in late May.

(r)evolution lab and The Unleash Project — New ways of empowering youth, young leaders and organizations


We believe that the world needs more people who come together to design bold solutions to address the challenges of this increasingly complex and rapidly changing world. We also believe that our current education system is outdated and does not provide us with the kind of skills and attitude required to assume leadership and create innovative solutions. We think it is high time to mainstream new ways of learning, working and innovating that are adapted to the challenges our economy, society and environment face in the 21st century.


(r)evolution lab and The Unleash Project tackle these challenges: two open source, transformative and experience­ driven education programmes provide a platform for young people, executives and organizations to collaborate across generations and sectors. (r)evolution lab empowers participants to acquire professional skills in order to lead an imp!act event where youths discover their potential to turn ideas and passions into real life projects. The Unleash Project, on the other hand, focuses on equipping young people to shape their own meaningful careers together with executives, companies and partner organizations.

Not sure which programme is the right one for you? — Let us explain them in a nutshell:


(r)evolution lab – organize your own imp!act event

(r)evolution lab is a training program for (un)reasonably motivated young pioneers. In this experiential learning journey you will learn, share and above all experiment a wide range of skills and knowledge highly valued in any professional context: team and project management, facilitation, leadership, training design and wellbeing strategies. Equipped with these tools and skills, you can lead your own imp!act event from building your team to facilitating the event, empowering youth in their city to embrace their changemaker potential.

>>> To join the (r)evolution lab, it is highly recommended that you have participated in an imp!act event and are willing to share this experience by co-organizing your own imp!act – including the organization, team management, recruitment of participants, funding and facilitation of the event.


The Unleash Project – from career to vocation

The Unleash Project is a transformative education program that empowers youth, executives and organizations to embrace the emerging era of digitalization, knowledge, innovation and purpose. It provides future and present decision­makers with the experience, tools and mindset it takes to move from careers to vocation: where they live their values, do what they are passionate about and use their key strengths to address needs they truly care about in the world.

You learn through experience how to co-­create trustful, open and empowering work environments and foster the emergence of purpose and innovation at your workplace. You will benefit from peer support and learning groups, coaching and inspiration by your peers, executives and leading experts in the area of the future of work

>>> To join The Unleash Project, you either have completed (r)evolution lab, the former “euforia training programme eTP” or already have experiences in Project Management and/or Facilitation and are ready to shape your own meaningful career.


Both projects start in November 2016. Applications are open now:
(r)evolution lab
The Unleash Project

Annual evaluation for members 2016

“I met so many wonderful people and feel I’m part of something meaningful and world changing”


euforians spoke. 31 of our members answered (fully or partly) the annual evaluation for members questionnaire. And their answers will make you smile. The questionnaire focussed on four main areas: our volunteers’ satisfaction regarding their overall experience as a euforia member, their learnings and personal development through volunteering with euforia, their involvement in strategic questions, and communication.

Looking at the results, the first striking figure tells us quite something on the level of engagement of our community: for nearly 70% of our volunteers euforia occupies a significant place in their lives. What’s more, euforians are really happy with their engagement, as shown by a 84% satisfaction rate. 80% of volunteers feel their engagement and commitment is recognised, and 75% are proud at how we live euforia values on a daily basis and at how their euforia experience contributes to fully unleashing their potential. Finally, 90% consider themselves free to decide on their engagement and 80% see their euforia volunteering supporting their wellbeing.

At euforia we consider personal development as a crucial component of the volunteering experience we offer. Therefore we asked our volunteers how happy they are with the skills they developed through organising one of our events (imp!act and STEP into action) and/or training and coaching our volunteers as part of the eTP (euforia Training Programme). euforians are simply staggered by how much they’ve learnt in terms of teamwork and project management; they’ve also developed sound facilitation skills and say that through euforia they’ve grown more aware of what contributes to their well-being – and it’d be hard to question how important this is in our fast-paced and ever-changing society.

As euforia aims to be a volunteer-driven organisation, we asked our euforic community how they would like to be involved in strategic questions. It emerged quite clearly that volunteers feel little involved in strategic issues. However they’d be willing to enhance their engagement through participating in temporary task-forces and workshops tackling specific issues, and during a one-day annual or biannual gathering in which euforians bring up issues to tackle with other euforians. They also value being updated on the progress on euforia’s annual objectives and on what the community is working on.
Euforians like how we spread euforic news, especially our engagement opportunities newsletter exclusive to our members, and the general newsletter. Though, writing belongs to the past – more visuals and videos would bring our communication to the next level.

Finally, ideas are plentiful as to how to get euforia even closer to be the one organisation everyone should get engaged with. Here are some of them: an online competence centre in which euforians outline their expertise, so that we know where to get help and can support each other best; social gatherings that bring our beautiful community together; and becoming aware of the contribution we’re making to changing the world for the better.

As talking is good, but walking the talk is better, we’re currently thinking at how to integrate euforians’ feedback and comments so as to boost our volunteers’ experience to the next level. Do you want to get involved to enhance our volunteer’s experience? Get in touch with

On recrute un-e responsable de programme - 50%

>>> Invitation by Kairos Association

KAIROS, c'est une jeune association, pleine d'ambition, qui démarre. Notre objectif est de contribuer à valoriser l’entraide et la solidarité, de responsabiliser et de reconnaître l’engagement des jeunes entre pairs, pour leurs communautés et pour la société. Nous avons co-créé avec des jeunes un projet d'appli. Il faut maintenant passer du projet à la réalisation.

Pourquoi c'est cool? Nous avons levé des fonds... nous avons un partenaire technologique (game designer)... Qu'est ce que nous recherchons? la perle rare pour gérer le projet. On propose un job à 50% - horaires flexibles - basé à Genève.

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