euforia's 10th birthday is coming up and we're planning a nice celebration on May 12th in Geneva. We're looking now for Party Tigers who help us organising this event (program planning, logistics,...). Get in touch with Martina to become part of the party committee:
Geneva Global Goals Innovation Day
The first ever Geneva Global Goals Innovation Day, A Public Expo Showcasing Innovative Solutions focused on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, will be held on March 24th in Geneva, Switzerland
Exhibitors displaying interactive installations that give the public a up close look at innovative solutions.
Workshops and Hackathons that bring together the diverse sectors and actors (social entrepreneurs, funders, international orgs, and NGOs, companies) to focus their effort on solving real problems and create new amazing viable solutions.
G3iD wants to unleash the amazing potential in Geneva coming from such a rich ecosystem of NGOs, International Organizations, Multinational Companies, Governments, and Entrepreneurs. What happens when the Geneva community harnesses our collective power, radically collaborating to accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? That is one of the main questions G3iD will answer.
The Sustainable Development Goals, announced in November 2015 by the United Nations, created a set of 17 goals that include all countries and people to create a sustainable and viable world for the future of humankind. These 17 goals were co-created and ratified by all UN member states and address big topics that the UN would like to solve by 2030.
G3iD, a Swiss association, founded in June 2016, comprises individuals from several organisations, many working in Innovation labs across Greater Geneva. Innovation labs are where revolutionary innovations and collaborative work takes place. With the SDG announcement of its goals for 2030 being set, a group immediately formed saying that 2030 wasn’t ambitious enough. The group hatched a plan to create an innovation day in Geneva that speed ups innovations to achieve the SDGs.
Come discover our Solutions Fair and Co-Creation factory on March 24th!
More info at
>>> You can also support the organizing team — SIGN UP HERE
imp!act facilitators gesucht
Im Rahmen von Leading with Impact mit Raiffeisen suchen wir erfahrene imp!act facilitators, die einen unternehmensinternen imp!act vom 7.-10. Juni 2017 in Gossau SG facilitaten (Deutsch). Der Einsatz wird entlöhnt. Interessierte melden sich bitte bei
Radical Collaboration Retreat
Our first Radical Collaboration® workshop with Malika and Théo, will take place from Friday March 31st until Sunday April 2nd in Brénaz, France (Arrival in the evening of Thursday 30th of March). It is a three day interactive training, which focuses on five skills that are essential to building and maintaining climates of trust and collaboration between individuals, team and within organizations: Collaborative Intention, Truthfulness, Self-Accountability, Self-Awareness and Interest Based Negotiation.
Radical Collaboration® is a guide for individuals and organizations wishing to become more skillful at collaborative relationships. Collaboration doesn't just happen by itself, it requires both a skill-set and a mind-set, both of which can be learned through this workshop.
It will take place in a beautiful farm, renovated in an environmentally friendly way, in the French countryside and will include several sessions outside in nature. Brénaz is at about 1h from Geneva.
This 3 day training includes:
- Accommodation from Thursday 30th of March to Sunday April 2nd
- Transport from Bellegarde to Brénaz (Bellegarde is easily accessible from Geneva by train)
- Local, fresh, vegetarian and organic food
- Healthy Snacks
- Facilitation by Malika and Théo, who are certified Radical Collaboration® trainers
- Radical Collaboration® learning material
In other words, you will only have to worry about learning and experiencing this life-changing workshop, we will take care of the rest.
Max. 12 participants, first come first served!
Malika & Théo
>>> Website
Support bare Ware (born at imp!act)
Our dream is to establish a more conscientious way of consuming in Winterthur: organic and packaging-free.
At bare Ware you will find goods that are organic, regional and packaging-free – and at the same time avoid creating food waste. We want to establish a revolutionary way of consumption in our store in Winterthur, in which sufficiency, efficiency, sustainability and fairness are the foundation, and the strengthening of the relationship between producers and consumers is the heart. At bare Ware, the ideas and creative solutions come from the “bare community,” which is building this project hand in hand with us. We want to be involved with local shops and organizations as much as with alternative sustainable economic models. Since odd-looking fruits and vegetable are as tasty as the ones complying with the norm, these will be found at bare Ware as long as they are biologically produced.
Helps us go Packaging free in Winterthur and support our Crowdfunding campaign here:
Step into action is back – bigger than ever this summer in Bern!
At the moment, 14 highly motivated young people from all over Switzerland are working together to realize the next step into action event, which will take place in Burgdorf (BE) from the 4th to the 6th of September 2017.
At this step-event, 1500 teenagers are going to go through an interactive parcours to learn more about social and environmental causes, how to tackle them and how they can step into action to make the world a better place. The participants will get in contact with relevant NGOs and sustainable companies, which will be on site.
Keep your eyes open for further information later in the year, if you are interested in participating at the event as a volunteer.
18 new Radical Collaboration® trainers in the euforia community and new trainings coming up soon!
We are happy to have a bunch of freshly certified Radical Collaboration® trainers in our community and to offer the first trainings in and around Switzerland. Together with our Chief Euphoric Officer Chantal, who became a trainer one year ago, we are now 19 trainers – the only ones in Switzerland!
Jim Tamm, the creator of the Radical Collaboration® methodology, and the psychologist and Radical Collaboration® trainer Malou Laureys facilitated the seven-day Trainer Certification course for 18 euforians in Geneva. The course was a deep-dive into the topic with a lot of space for reflections and discussions. The two trainers gave a great example on how radically collaborating creates an atmosphere where people complement each other and can flexibly come up with new solutions. Jim and Malou were happy to have the chance to train Radical Collaboration® trainers in a new country and to open up opportunities for a new group of young participants.
The aim of euforians to become certified trainers is to create more training opportunities for people within and from outside of the community. From now on Radical Collaboration® trainings will be offered regularly. Check out the next trainings:
March 24th to 26th
(only 2 spots left!)
March 31st to April 2nd
(12 spots available)
More trainings will come up in May and in Summer. You will find more information soon in our calendar. If you would like to book a training for your organization, get in touch with us!
What contains the three-day Radical Collaboration® training?
The three-day, highly interactive Radical Collaboration training is designed to teach people five very practical and immediately useful skills essential to building collaborative relationships between individuals and within teams and organizations. It is appropriate for anyone whose circumstances have the potential for disharmony, misunderstandings and conflict, and who would like to improve their effectiveness. It is also particularly helpful for individuals responsible for creating more collaborative environments within a team or organization. It provides participants with step by step tools how to initiate, lead and reach closure in negotiations and how to build successful long-term relationships.
KICK-OFF: Social Impact Award Switzerland 2017
Toujours eu envie de changer le monde ? Vous avez une solution à un défi social et/ou environemental ? Prêt à expérimenter l'entrepreneuriat ?
Que vous soyez étudiants, jeunes diplômés ou professionnels, rejoignez-nous pour découvrir le concours et explorer toutes les possibilités qui s'offrent à vous !
Au programme:
- Une conférence interactive où vous découvrirez le concours et le rôle de l'entrepreneuriat sociale dans notre société.
- 3 ateliers participatifs: bost your potential par euforia, générer des idées innovatrices par Impact Hub Geneva et échanger avec des jeunes entrepreneurs à succès: Share a Dream et The Fair Traveller (gagnants SIA Suisse 2015).
- Et pour finir: un cocktail pour votre permettre d’échanger avec d’anciens participants, networker ou tout simplement discuter autour d’un verre.
>>> March 7th 2017, 18h — Evénemen t bilingue : français et anglais.
Qu'es-ce le Social Impact Award (SIA)? Le SIA est l'un des programmes les plus importants pour la conception et le développement des entreprises sociales en Europe. Il est destiné aux jeunes qui souhaitent réaliser leurs propres projets et ainsi changer le monde. Le programme sensibilisera les jeunes à l’entrepreneuriat par le biais d’ateliers, puis mettra en compétition les idées les plus prometteuses pour gagner un cursus d’incubation de trois mois ainsi qu’un coup de pouce financier.